Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to DONTCRYFORME's message

Hi folks!

Long time no see... at least for you guys, I do lurk here all the time, but have not posted for quite some time.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a brilliant New Year. It's been a funny holiday period this year as the prevailing sentiment from almost everyone I know is 'Thank God 2011 is almost over" quickly followed by "but I expect 2012 will be the worst ever".

It's quite sad that the majority of people seem to feel down and pessimistic at this time of year... but when one looks at the way manipulation, theft and crime has gone from an underground 'unseen' operation to a full front 'in-your-face ballsy' Financial Institutions as armed robbers with the government and regulators as accomplices... well it is rather depressing. However - chin up folks, 2011 did show us one thing & that is that people power is not dead. I just hope that the world starts to move from 'Occupy' movements to even more extreme and creative methods of terrifying the corporations, police and corrupt institutions. Social media is opening up a can of worms - the incredible speed in which mobile communications is advancing will change our world for the better... it's not a question of 'if', but rather 'when'.

Last night I watched the documentary 'Inside Job' and even for one as educated in the topic as I am, it was brilliant in the simplicity of how it broke down the corruption for all to see. Buy this DVD for all your friends and families- perhaps it will wake them up.

I have to say I was almost embarrassed (while watching it) of putting any faith in US politics or politicians to sort out the system or to take a stand. I hereby formally apologize to anyone I may have disagreed with re: the corruptness of the Republican Party & the Democratic Party... including Mr. Obama. I still believe the Republican Party are a total disgrace, but in addition I believe that the Democrats are simply no better, just better at hiding their corruption behind more progressive rhetoric. Rhetoric does not provide the people jobs, it doesn't put food on the table, it doesn't reverse the inequality in America (which is spreading to other first world nations)... I just don't trust the political system to fix anything.

So what do I trust? Physical assets. That's it. I will never sell my gold or silver at these current prices (or lower). I still loyally hold onto all my AUM even if I have not added to my holding for some time. I still have not sold any. I won't.

On a personal note, I have again decided to leave my job with a corporation here in Switzerland. I just don't think corporations are the place for me. Politics, lack of innovations, lack of creativity, lack of any understanding of how to move forward (I will make an exception for Apple). I have been quiet as I am now writing up all the paperwork needed to describe a new innovative venture I have been contemplating for a while now... I even have a set meeting with a small venture capital company to pitch it next month. Shortly after that I am off on a road trip with my best friend to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar & Cambodia. When I return I hope the world has come to its senses :)... I'm particularly looking forward to my 8 days in Myanmar where there is no roaming mobile network at all. Peace & quiet and some time to reflect on how fortunate I have been in my life.

A little later in the year I will return to 'my home and native land' to help my brother in law adjust to his new life in Canada (his family finally have their landed immigrant visa). I think it will quite the adjustment from designing and overseeing buildings for the Royal Family in Abu Dhabi to finding a job in Canada... I aim to help him find the right steps to a new life.

In the meantime, I raise a glass to you all my friends and fellow investors, I do hope to meet you all soon in person. Be safe out there and stay strong, our time will come eventually.


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