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First of all, I got a call last week from a guy in Vancouver.

He is part of the Architects and Engineers 9/11 Truth organization. (I mentioned just a short time ago that I used to be a member, but got disenchanted and decided to quit the association).

Seems my name was still on his list and he wanted to know if I would assist in organizing a 10 year memorial for those who lost their life in 9/11.

Well, he really caught me at the "right" time, and at the end of our conversation, I think he himself was having second thoughts.

Then, just this week, I read a Gary North article about 9/11 called "My Proposed 9-11 research project". It is a subscription site, but here is a snippet:

As a trained historian, I am interested in lots of major events in history that served as national or worldwide turning points. I ask the following questions:

1. What happened?
2. How do we know what happened?
3. What led up to the event?
4. How did the government report the event?
5. How did it subsequently explain the event?
6. How did the major media handle the government's explanation?
7. Who has benefited from the event?
8. Who has benefited from the official government explanation?
9. What are the alternative explanations?
10. Who would benefit if any of them became widely accepted?

These are all legitimate questions. The toughest one to answer is #1. You might not think that this is the case, but it is.

Well, this article made me want to respond , so here is my opening E-mail to Gary and subsequent replies:

Opening E-mail:

Hi Gary,

There was only one main structural element in the twin towers and building 7.

It was the steel cores in the towers and the steel framework in building 7.

The rest of the buildings construction, was finishing materials, even the concrete floors, and provided little or no strength to either building(s).

Also, to give you some insight as to what should have happened in the unlikely result of a collapse,here are some pointers:

1. The main core of each tower consisted of 49 main columns. Each column was fabricated from steel that was manufactured at a steel mill in economical lengths. Each joint made at the site was designed to be at least the same strength as the main steel metal. That being said, had the building collapsed, it would have fallen either as a twisted mass of steel, or fallen in a line over a length of almost 1000'. Neither happened. i.e. There must have been additional "cutting or weakening" of the steel at various points throughout the columns lengths for it to fall within its own footprint.

The steel is the key, and that is why it "disappeared" so quickly.

To get to your answers quickly you need to ask the following:

Who instructed the steel to be removed, and on who's authority?

Good Luck to you


Put up a site on this.

My replies (two):

1. LOL. I am computer illiterate.

2.Richard Gage from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth started a movement to get to the bottom of what caused the collapses ( latest link:

However, as is typical with "bodies" when they start by trying to do the right thing, they get side-tracked and become just another charity.

Even though I am not an architect or engineer (I have over 40 years in steel construction, mostly as either a project manager or company owner), I joined Richards's organization immediately after he started it. I explained my position and got on their informed mailing list.

About three years ago, I even advised one of his team, how to get things moving in the right direction, but to no avail. I became completely dis-enchanted with his attempts to "get things done", (In my experience, for the most part, engineers are the very last people to be leading the charge. They are very knowledgeable and very intelligent, but their leadership skills, for the most part, leave little to be desired.) and decided last year, to cut my ties. They even tried to recruit me less than two weeks ago, to help with a 10 year memorial service.

The last thing we need is more memorial services from an investigative body. There are enough organizations involved without the Architects and Engineers using valuable time and money to hold yet another memorial.

This alone, proves my decision to get "un-involved" correct, imo.

Suggest if you want further info. either contact Richard directly. If you get nowhere and you wish to stay in touch, don't hesitate to contact me. (My daughter-in-law is busy making me a web site)

Good Luck to you.

His reply to 1

Do it on


Easy to use.

If it's worth believing, it's worth promoting.

My final reply:

Hi gary,I am setting up a WordPress page, but I have one simple question.

If anyone gets to the bottom of what really happened on 9/11, what possible outcome would there be?

Ask these questions:

If the U.S. government was aware, would joe/jane-six-pack want to know?

Would he/she still have faith in the U.S government?After 10 years, I honestly believe that the answers would create more harm than good, unless someone like Ron Paul was at the helm.

That's not to say I would like it to stay buried, and I think most people in the world know that the official commission was wrong, but are they prepared for the fallout?

Good Luck to you!

His final reply:

You are now at your moment of truth.


Is it like I asked?

Is the reason for not questioning the official report on 9/11, based on what will happen to the American (and the rest of the democratic world) if the truth is known?

What a sad world this has become!

Good Luck to all!

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