Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to Lute82's message

although true Lute82 contracts can't be changed. Otherwise we would all be in agreement of it. The fact is the shorts will do the same thing that JP morgan does keep a closed mouth till they are caught. We have a good offer on the table and when production becomes reality we will get our just reward. I know I have waited a long time for it. But the goods are in sight just be patient and you will see the effects of a producer and not a exploration company. Yes it's true we are not getting fair market value only because we have to get production. I don't know how long you have waited but I can say this.

When the mine is in full production and according to estimates of the next years target date you will be a very happy person. I myself argued for a long time about this and realize that we need to let the real production numbers to come out. On top of that I have faith that ECU will keep doing what they do best. Find the minerals. I also think that AUM will produce those minerals better than anyone can. Have faith it doesn't happen overnight. The target price in the one year range is 76.00. Will that come true nobody knows at this point. But I now know the capitol is in place and we will get our just reward.

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