Golden Minerals Company

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You have probably all seen Brother Johns video by now - so you can skip that - however the rant is pretty good reading (except for the -30degree shot at Canada as it 35C+ here today). I guess ECU qualifies as "some goat headed SIlver mining stock."

Bill H:

Knock knock. Who's there?

To all: certainly NOT the CFTC! After watching this video and seeing the chart and VOLUME of Silver traded this past Monday afternoon, anyone, and I do mean ANYONE who cannot see that the COMEX Silver market is a total fraud is a complete fool and idiot. I would go further and say that anyone who trades in COMEX Silver is also a fool and an idiot! COMEX IS A FRAUD! PERIOD! I hope they sue me for libel because 1,000's upon 1,000's of lawyers would just love to do the discovery on this one! 50,000 contracts in ONE MINUTE? 250,000,000 (that's two hundred and fifty MILLION OUNCES!) in ONE MINUTE? Didn't Sprott Asset Management recently have a problem getting a measly 10 or 11 million ounces delivered? As I understand it took a little more than a minute or two, more like THREE MONTHS!!!

WHO the hell has 250,000,000 ounces of Silver anyway? Warren Buffet? No, he had (meaning past tense) something like 120 Million ounces until he puked that position up with a little governmental arm twisting. This 1 minute trade amounts to 30% of the entire world's production of Silver for one year, even if there was a holder of this much Silver (there is not I assure you), would they try to sell it ALL IN 1 MINUTE? Wouldn't a real trader trying to get maximum price for their asset just "feed it out" so as not to damage the price? Maybe this is the same trader who sold The Bank of England's Gold for the lowest price possible for going on 30+ years now!

NO ONE and NO ENTITY has 250,000,000 ounces of physical Silver, PERIOD! No government, no mining company, no hedge fund, NO ONE! Even the COMEX claims to have only 100 million ounces total and less than 40% of that is purported to be deliverable. This could not be Silver held long being sold and it surely could not have been a "hedge position" because there is no corresponding long. We are talking about $10 Billion here (I know, this is considered chicken feed nowaday's the way governments throw money around), but in one single and concentrated minute! This trade is 2 1/2 times the TOTAL size of the 100 Million ounce COMEX inventory which I don't believe is a real number anyway. THIS was a trade by an institution with UNLIMITED funds and unlimited permission by both the COMEX and CFTC. Can you guess who that might be? This is 250,000,000 ounces worth $10 Billion, I can remember 15 years ago (when computers weren't so powerful and "sniffy" as they are today) getting a call from the NYSE inquiring about a 3,000 share trade worth less than $50,000. Yep, it turned out to be an illegal inside trade and the villain paid his fine, lost his professional license and was barred from his profession for 5 years. But a $10 Billion trade done in one minute just slides right on by WHILE the regulators are supposed to be "diligently investigating" THIS particular market. I am sorry, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT I call BULLSHIT!!!

It is well known that THE largest single Silver short on the planet is JP Morgan. They are considered by many as "the Fed's bank", could it possibly be that The Fed wants Silver down for some strange reason? I could go on and on but the bottom line is that no government has this kind of Silver which is why Silver is rising more dramatically than Gold, there are no central banks that can step up and provide any physical supply to keep the price down which is why it was done with PURE PAPER!

Here is a really funny thought, if $10 Billion worth of "paper Silver" got absorbed in a 1 minute trade and within 36 hours the "damage" was erased, tell me what will happen if the buyers do the unthinkable? The "unthinkable" being so impolite as to ask for DELIVERY! Just "where o where does the Silver come from?" (I could make a song out of this but I won't). The saddest thing of all is that the Silver market as "small and insignificant" as it is, has the potential, no the PROBABILITY of toppling the entire world's banking and financial systems. When it turns out that the COMEX cannot deliver on promised Silver, do ya think that COMEX Gold contract holders might want delivery? This will end up being THE BIGGEST bank run in the history of history!

Which leads me back to where I started out this morning, mining shares. Silver miners in particular. When it turns out that "chump change", (like someone who actually owns and holds in their posession 1,000 ounces of Silver has more value than 1Million ounces of "paper Silver"), what do you suppose a real Silver mine with real Silver in the ground will be worth? What do you suppose some obscure deposit of 25 or 50 million ounces of Silver below some God forsaken place in Mexico (110 degrees) or Canada (-30 degrees) will be worth? Do you want the real answer? It is called RETIREMENT if you are dumb enough right now to be an owner of some goat headed Silver mining stock!

We have lived in a fairytale world for so long that it will be a shock when the revaluation hits. Real things will have real values and the paper frauds will have no value. People will scream and yell and ask "how could this have happened?". I ask "how could it not?". I also ask "where in the hell is the CFTC?". Aren't they supposed to protect the little guy? Aren't they supposed to ensure that COMEX trading is for price discovery rather than price fixing? The CFTC didn't have plausible denial before Monday's blatant price fixing demonstration, how in the world do they explain this? Ahh yes...the old "fat finger" trick? ...Computer glitch? ...Dollars not ounces? ...Aliens? I have no idea but you can be pretty sure that the initials "JPM" will not be a part of their explanation. Regards, Bill H.

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