Golden Minerals Company

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Today is Canada’s birthday.

When I first came to this country in 1967, I asked myself “How can a country, with so little population (less than 23 million at that time), have such a modern infrastructure over such a vast area of land, and the people be subject to taxes so much less than European countries?”

Having arrived here from a much smaller country (UK), with a much larger population (50 million plus), and a heavier tax burden than most, it was a pleasant surprise to also understand, that unlike European countries. Canada had no debt and was admired all over the world for its approach to government spending(cockerel rule #6 – Stay out of debt).

I came here because I thought I could foresee the direction that the U.K. was headed, and I did not like it one bit (Time has proven me right, I believe). Time to get out while I was still energetic enough and able enough to assist in somewhere that thought like I did

Then something “strange?” happened. The people of my new chosen country seemed to lose sight of what made it, in my opinion, a success. They became enamoured by a charismatic socialist, not for his ability to do what was fiscally correct, but because he wanted to be “all things to all peoples”. His main problem was that he could not afford to do all that he promised.

His government borrowed monies like drunken sailors, and because he could now increase social services and cater to any minority without understanding future “cause and effect”, his support came “thick and fast”, except for here in Alberta. I felt insulated, and still do, to some extent.

Subsequent governments have tried to clean up his mess, but the votes have always been the driving force, hence no one was able, or prudent enough, to make inroads into the debt, in fact, most governments increased it.

The present conservative government added to the debt, albeit mainly because of pressure from the Socialist opposition, while they held a minority position.

Today, we have a new conservative majority government.

Will things improve?

Only time will tell.

As for me, I have seen how different governments function. I have seen how the majority of the people have been molded and it is sad to see.

When I look back on my life and recollect the important evolution stages of society within my short time frame, and those that inflicted the biggest negative influence, I hope the next generation, despite the burdens we are leaving behind, can see and understand those negatives for what they were/are, and navigate more positive changes.

If any country can give them the ideal platform to work from, it is Canada.

Happy Birthday Canada.

Good Luck to all!

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