Golden Minerals Company

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From tonight's Midas (if you've held for 10 years, may as well wait another month):

BUYINS.NET Updates SAMEX MINING SqueezeTrigger Report
Ticker Symbol: U:SMXMF

  • Approximately 10.14 Million Shares Shorted Since August 2009
  • Short Squeeze Underway As Stock Above $0.47 SqueezeTrigger Price

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., April 20, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BUYINS.NET,, a leading provider of Regulation SHO compliance monitoring, short sale trading statistics and market integrity surveillance, has updated coverage on SAMEX MINING (OTCBB:SMXMF) after releasing the latest short sale data through April 19, 2011. The total aggregate number of shares shorted since August 2009 is approximately 10.14 million shares. An average of 23.24% of daily volume is short selling. The SqueezeTrigger price for all (OTCBB:SMXMF) shares shorted is $0.47. A significant short squeeze is underway as stock well above its $0.47 SqueezeTrigger


This was the case as far as Samex is concerned and is surely the case for a number of others, such as my largest holding ECU Silver (92 cents Cdn), which has been trading like the dog of dogs in the history of precious metals stocks, as silver climbs a buck a day. To say this has been a frustrating experience is a grand understatement. That said, we are getting very close to the day when more and more of The Gold Cartel/hedge funds get their butts handed to them in spades, as just occurred in Samex. The panic we are seeing now in silver will include those entities scrambling to cover their doomed short share positions.

Either I am dead wrong about ECU, my most significant way to play the big silver move I saw coming years ago, or this is surely one of the great stock steals out there (which I believe to be the case) … with silver doing what it is. It is one or the other. We should know within a month what the deal is. ECU is not alone, it just happens to be mine.

This is just not unfettered market action, as to the gold/silver shares. They have to be messed with in a major league way, for the reasons expressed in this column for weeks. With the US stock market flying, the best the XAU could do was go up 2.31 to 222.78, while the HUI limped to a 4.73 gain to 589.96.

Even with gold taking out $1500 by a good margin, and silver continuing its bonkers streak, the gold/silver share action was tepid at best … especially since the DOW was on fire. The shares are either weak because investors expect gold and silver to go through a major correction at any time, AND OR, they are being blatantly manipulated to dampen investor enthusiasm over the sensational action of gold and silver. At above and below the 600 plus level, the HUI is trading as if it is trying to swim with a lead weight around its neck…

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