Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to rose2010's message


I already like the way you present yourself in this forum, so I want to ty for your input.As alway's on the most part everyone on this board are truly informative people. I hope as we end this year next year will bring us even closer with beter results. And I mean this for all members of this board.

Now I want to talk about silver. I have listened to every concept made about silver futures, and here is my insight. I believe silver will easily hit 50.00 a ounce and it doesn't matter who buys it. But physical will be a better play. No matter how high the price silver does go, you have to take count of the silver you own. How many coins do you own? What price will someone buy a let's just say a 1996 Silver Panda, or eagle , or maple leaf? This changes your whole strategy when coins are not related to currency but supply of such coin.

Next. JPM"s and the future market. I do see a lot of buying out coming in the near future. It is impossible to keep up with supply and demand without that effect. It could be a bank? It could be a Semicoductor company? It could be bought for medical, electrical, oh cut it out just about anything used for technology. And then the currency part. How high can the price of silver really go up? It's used more than gold and look how high Platinum and other metals are? Higher than the price of gold.

We sometimes need to think outside the box. Yes G$S is still going to do very well in the next few years. But copper, lithium, lead, aliminum, and the biggest of all food and cotton will go up dramaticly. I didn't even mention energy . I don't know how many of you have watched the Garbage Warrior but it is a very good movie when it come's to thinking outsde the box. Self Efficient that is the goal of all people.

So as we togetther I hope you all know I appreciate every comment good or bad. This is a wonderful board that shares many different cultures and attitudes. Thank you all new to the board and all those who have been here faithfully. I hope all of you prosper in everyway, inside and out.

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