Golden Minerals Company

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I have been trying my best for 5 years now to collect as much silver as possible. Do I agree about shortages without a doubt. But I have to believe that when to much outpouring to the masses arrive [Houstan we got a problem]about silver than something else is taking place. Yes silver will make 30.00 easily. But will that keep up with inflation. Let's look at the global view.

Yes it is money that can not be stopped. The shorts are running out of places to go. The global community is gobbling it up everywhere. But what happens when it does go ballistic? To many other countries needs are being established while we sit in tunnel vision. Food prices are getting ready to skyrocket. Minerals like copper,nickel,and oil are about to challenge the needs of the global community.

These are just a few things that will change the way hedge fund managers, governments, and secret societys will make the real money. We need these things everyday. Yes silver is used in a lot of things. I myself has stated that many times. But I get a little worried when all of a sudden even CNBC, Cramer, China, as well other countries are trying to corner the market all together.

Can anyone actually say Governments wont try and seize what is left of the silver in this world? It's been done before. And what about technology? Copper is needed more than ever. Food supplies are getting smaller and inflated, certain companies are trying to play Monopoly to corner the consumers, and last of all the secret community who wants to globilize everything.

I keep watching all these news stations and always noticed in the background a sign that kept sticking in my head. The Clinton Global Initiative. So I had to look it up.[Was making me crazy]. So as I started reading about it one name was popping up everywhere. Goldman Sachs! Isn't that where every politician who is involved in changing policy ends up?

While reading the financials, who was funding it?{lmao like any truth would be discovered], I started to notice what was on the agenda with all of this. Take a peek it's quite interesting. What is needed to continue growth and change plus the materials important to it. You would be surprised what they seem to want to corner. Yes silver was somewhere down on the list but not even close to a priority.

The other thing I noticed was that Goldman Sachs handwriting is all over the wall. That means every corner of the earth and probably the moon to.[Although moon was not mentioned.] Didn't they just get fined for trying to make puts on there own company? Yet they got a slap on the hand. I wonder why?

Meanwhile on MSNBC Ex President Clinton was being interviewed this morning. Isn't it amazing how we never hear from Hillary and he is still a main focus. One of the questions asked was did he think that it would be ok to vote in a President from the past. That through me off. How do you ask that type of question? Although the always charming ex President didn't do anymore than chuckle I had to ask why? Is he not in cahoots with Wall Street?

I know we focus on things that the media loves to entangle us with so we can't see between the lines. It always has people fighting about injustices to each other. But I believe that is the focus of there campaign to change the world affairs. Look at the top ten richest people on the internet today. Sorry going back to a point I made earlier. Four of them are from WAL-MART. Your kidding me. And what about this Goldman Sachs shennigans. You work for the government in finance and your promotion is working for Goldman Sachs?

With all the information you have already gotten from supposingly fixing our economy that is where you end up. In fact now you are part of the Clinton Global Initiative. Do we actually have a governing body? Please take a look at the people involved in this initiative. I sure hope I get my worth out of silver before it is to late, because future plans are being made while we bicker about nothing.

We are the people who make this world what it is. Not them. We also outnumber the few who take advantage of the many. It's time we look between the lines and see the agenda before it unfolds. We have a chance still to make this world a better place without these thieves and power mongers taking control of everything. GOOD DAY.

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