Golden Minerals Company

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There have been quite a few experts and sages focusing on $21 / oz silver as being a critical level. That is a bit surprising to me and I have seen round #s having more effect on J6P's psyche than chart #s. Be that as it may, I have also read that $21 is the number that will cause the junior sector to explode. I don't believe that any more than I believe that $20 would.

What I do believe is that as we see gold and silver making new highs repeatedly and in the face of the frantic efforts of the crimex. The news is starting to recognize the movements. About time! Gold has gone up ever year for a decade and yet there are thousands of times more money in worthless stocks than anything PM related.

Western economies are weakening. Consumers, who have driven the economies of the West and the world for years, are losing the ability and the resources to continue that stimulus. We are smack in the middle of a paradigm shift. All things paper are weakening and commodities that cannot be created and manipulated at will, are gaining strength.

I am VERY curious to see if the junior mining sector treats the $21 Ag level any different than any other technical #. To me it will be one more battle in a long war. I know that what I'd like to see is not what I expect will happen, but I do not doubt for a minute that the battles will become more frequent and more intense as the metals climb ever higher.

Luckly, we are on the right side of this war and time will prove us to have been correct. We will come out of this battle ever stronger.

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