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in response to scoutaz_2003's message

Your response to pic's post is unbelivable and an example of the vile concept of political correctness run amok.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pic's post. Nothing. He simply mentioned that the woman who took Obama to task and rightfully so happended to be black. As is Obama himself. Her race is actually significant in this case because 90% of blacks still approve of Obama's management of the country. They do so primarily because they identify with his race. That is a cultural and sociological fact. It is also a biological fact. It is not a marker of racism any more than pic's comment was. Quite frankly, I don't think pic has a racial bone is his whole body! I do think you are ridiculously oversensitive and pathologically "politically correct."

Would you have been less "offended" if pic had said "Obama schooled by an Asian business women yesterday" or "Obama schooled by a Polish business woman yesterday" or "Obama schooled by a disabled business woman yesterday?" Why should the adjective "black" be singled out as being "racial??!"

It is not pic you should be questioning. It is yourself. You should be asking yourself why you think you have the right to remove the mote from pic's eye before you remove the beam from your own. It is attitudes such as yours which have resulted in the horrendous loss of freedoms which we all are currently experiencing and which, quite frankly, are at least partly the driver of our being here on this forum learning about the precious metals, the acquisition of which represents an attempt on our behalf to try to retain some small modicum of freedom in a world in which freedoms are rapidly disappearing. And yet here you are at the same time attempting to remove another modicum of freedom from us. Aligned with the current "political guardians" of what they consider acceptable thought and behaviour, you take it upon yourself to deem another's heartfelt and honest comment to be outside the boundaries of what you personally consider acceptable and further, you go on to call for censorship by its deletion from the board. I think that is outrageous. It is also very peculiar on a board such as this where most have a libertarian bent and are often involved with precious metals at least partly because they are fed up with attempts by socialists, miscellaneous do-gooders and social architects of every other stripe (including those steeped in "political correctness") to monitor and manipulate our every thought and deed.

I think you need to apologize to pic and to the board. I personally find your remarks and position untenable, unreasonable and offensive. You need to examine yourself, not folks like pic. If political correctness (which includes historical revisionism and re-definition of words and language along with restrictions on their use, among other Orwellian concepts and techniques) and censorship are your bag, I can't imagine why you are hanging out here.

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