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in response to bigpic4ever's message

"Three entities....Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Lyndon LaRouche...are relentlessly shedding light on the progressive Marxist agenda of radical far left democratic movement under Soros, Pelosi, Biden, Obama, and his radical czars [36 strong] to grab power..."

Pic, with all do respect (and I mean it, it's not something I'm saying now because I'm going to rip into your post), but what on earth are you talking about? You would think that the current debt, recession and deficit were not the direct result of right wing policies. Correct me if I'm wrong, but have they not been the dominant political force in the US since the 80's?? Have they not had a load of time to do something about the ridiculous profit based medical system the US is paying a fortune for, but getting very little as a result? I emplore you to please, please, please go do a little research on the Swiss medical system. It is equal to the top 5% of medical care in the US but is provided for every single citizen in the country. Oh and our taxes here are very often under 20% and there is NO capital gains tax on share profits. How do they do it??

Why is it that the word 'socialist' is so dirty in the US when so many services are run by the government with little or no complaint from Americans? The military? Your police department? Libraries? Do you wish to privatize these and save the US from 'socialist infiltration'? I just find it odd that in a nation of such intelligent and creative people, debates for the benefit of the nation always denigrate into name calling, finger pointing and other childish behavior. From my personal prospective, the right wing in the US looks like a loose group of loony's who have realized that their core policies for the past 30 years have been severely damaged and are desperate to make an impact somehow, anyhow no matter what the effect is for the society. Bigpic do you honestly want to NOT cover the 50 million people who are not covered by medical care? Do you realize that in that number there is a severe gap in the original civil rights movement where a much higher percentage of African Americans and Hispanics are hidden in that number? Who speaks for them in the US? In my humble opinion, health care is a RIGHT and a much more important one than gun ownership which Americans get all aflutter about (and carry them into health care debates).

I see Obama dong nearly everything possible to have a bi-partisan agreement, to the detriment of his own party even... liberals were aghast at the possible suggestion of no public option which is key to getting costs down and providing for everyone. The right wing is pointing their fingers at the 1 trillion over ten years spend, um... where is that passion for the trillions spent to prop up Wall Street? The trillions spent of the right wings favorite pass-time, the military? How much did this same group of 'light shedders' spend on finding non-existant weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Enough to keep every sick person in America well for generations. Look at the facts... why does your system cost MORE when it covers LESS people? Simple, it's set up by the same guys who run the big corporates who manipulate our stocks, the same guys who fail in their business but then happily clammer for handouts... it's a system built on profits for the businessmen on the right. No matter what happens they will always fight for a system which allows them to rape and pillage the average worker. Do you believe that Fox and Rush really want the best for all Americans? Please...

I think what needs to happen is America needs to give their new government a chance. The right wing should stop looking like a fringe loony-bin (this won't happen) and actually work with the opposition. If find it odd that when the Republicans owned much less of the house they were able to do so much more without this kind of hoop-lah... why? Because people like Teddy Kennedy understood that you have to work together to achieve something, not simply go on TV and scare folks about the 'Socialist Horde'. It's a ridiculous and outdated mentality that is steeped in the history of 'communists under your bed'. Too much government is bad, but no government oversight is even worse (just ask Californians about Enrons energy manipulation).

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