Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

This Anonomous garbage just ticks me off. Who is selling? Yeah, I know, I know. Everyone has a right to their privacy, but dumping shares like this, it would be nice to know who dumps into a stock like this...

I keep buying a few shares here and there. Nothing like these "BIG" fish are selling but enough that if this stock ever does convince the "rest of the world" that there is "gold in them thar hills", I may just make a nice profit someday.

Maybe if the Junior market as a whole would shape up and those holding the strings (or, nooses rather) would get enough shares to let go and let the share price go where it wants, then maybe we could see a bit of share price appreciation when good news comes out. We get nice little bumps to 12 or 13 cents with bigger volume and then somehow, the price just slowly sinks back into oblivion... Jump and then s l i d e....... Why not jump, hold and see what news comes out next??? If the next news is rotten, then it could go for a slide. This jumping only to slowly slide is getting boring already. When those who control all this sliding have enough shares (be it now or in 3 years from now, I will still have mine and be adding a few more here and there), perhaps they can let it run so the junior market "Juniors" with some real promise can actually raise money without killing a company and get some results in and get a mine thing happening already.

I do curse this day trading garbage. I think it has a lot to do with "sliding stocks"... My opinion, of course...

My rant for the Quarter, I guess.

Herb :-(

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