Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to cantjustread's message

I forgot to comment on the stack of pancakes concept.

I'm going to ask you to apply Occam's Razor. As wiki puts it, "It is a principle urging one to select from among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect."

Across the Timmins/88 zone, and including the Ascot/Road Zone, we observe these "pancakes" of diorite, separated by bedded volcanic rocks with the same orientation. The diorites are similar in geochemistry, and host similar mineralization.

Hypothesis 1:

Each "pancake" was emplaced separately, both in time and space. Although they may have had a similar emplacement process, they remain distinct from one another at depth, and only coincidentally rose to a similar depth relative to the surface. The pancakes were later exposed by erosion of the surrounding softer volcanics.

Hypothesis 2:

A single large magma intrusion developed a scalloped upper edge as it extruded between the layers of an existing bedded volcanic body. The scalloped edges of the resultant diorite were later exposed by erosion of the surrounding softer volcanics.

If you choose Hypothesis 2, as I do, then that leads to further speculation about whether the common source (what's an analogy that goes with pancakes? the loaf of bread beneath the pancakes? fingers and a hand make a better picture) can be reached by we tiny mortals. And, if we do reach the "hand" below, is it gold mineralized?

Another reason I'm so eager to see the images produced by the computer modeling of the deposit is that we might already see that sort of merging taking place. E.g. T1, and T2a and b, might just be Timmins blob at 200 metres.


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