Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to TeleProbe's message

tele, just to throw a couple thoughts and questions out there.

first and foremost, let's all hope the drill is kinder to us this year than it has been.

in 2010 the 1700T bulk sampling showed 3gr/T in T1. some samples were over 10gr/T and i believe only 1 sample came back under 1gr/T (around 1/2 gr/T). the issue seems to be: "does the same mineralized host rock exist under the surface as what we are bulk sampling at surface? if so, how much and where is it? i believe this is where the new 3d modeling will be of great value.

i'm not sure where the "road zone and snow white" fall anymore. last i heard they were simply becoming extensions of existing t1/2 zones. also, i'm a little confused as to why T1 is going to be our target area (the most prior work has been done here but it does'nt show our best drill results imo), but, i also dont have a full understanding of our proposed drill maps yet.

it's pretty much assumed that GNH must show over 1gr/t "average" to be economical. I believe Tilsley threw out the number "$40Ton for processing/cash costs", i think $40 is high but i'll go with $1600oz there's about $10 per ton profit at 1gr/T. the trick is the less gr/T we can show, the more tons we'll need to be worth mining.

the idea of "2 grams per ton" comes from prior bulk sampling results and was kind of a "campfire estimate" among us longs imo. the drill results do not show anywhere near 2gr/T but most of the drill results were exploratory and there does'nt seem to be any question that the drill underestimates this deposit by at least 1/3-1/2.

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