Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

The forum has been so informative and educational. You all have helped me to no let my stick it out when panic would set in.

BUT...I am at a's my thoughts


I truly believe that this company and it's executives are not thieves. From the reports from hoov and others, they seem to be hard working, IMO very good, not top of the line, in their field,

personally invested,and available and approachable. That is all human and tangible.


Obviously, what is in the mines are still very much unknown. ( PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG. ) And the actual tangible products that we have reports on have fallen short of the grades that hoov thought they should have come in at. My question is why hoov felt they should have been better, was it from his own vast experience or the info (maybe rhetoric) he received from Frank, Sasha and crew.

2nd ..the comment that a second drill would cause too much "extra work and sampling" makes little sense to me. HECK..I might even consider donating a drill if it meant that we could better evaluate where the best areas are to focus on. :)

As a side, I am asking you hoov and certainly not picking on him. I get the sense from his comments and thoughts as well as other hubs he posts on, that he is very honest and has extensive first hand experience. in fact, I AM GRATEFUL for his contributions.

I know "penny stocks" are a hugr gamble. Not only because of the unknowns in that ground, but the element of fraud that is a real possibility.

So, I guess after all of that, my question would be, at what point in these early stages can you REALY get a sense that this company deserves my $ and to what degree it may be profitable and when? Is it only after the (i think it is ) 40-101 essays. Because even though we are getting sample results, they don't seem to be THE result.

Any comments to help me get a clearer pic. I know no one can say ..this is the big one...

I am just eager to learn all I can and I hope my questions and comments aren't embarrassingly elementary.


on the verge

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