Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to matt025's message

Best post of the morning........." This stock needs more then one good NR to move it. It probably needs three. If they get hole 127 and it's decent then you probably see the SP move more. If they get depth bulk sampling released next then you may see the 30% gains in one day. Remember how weak this chart is, it takes some very good news to move it. So many people out there are so fed up with slow drips and lack of updates that when it gets to their entry point they pull the trigger. Trust needs to be restored for sure."

This isn't a baseball team where changing the manager is the easiest move to get the troops doing what they are well paid to do in the first place. Changing management here would bring disaster. You must be looking to buy very cheaply, perhaps closer to 15 cents. That is what changing would do for this stock at the moment. Changing management would create uncertainty. The one thing markets do not like with a passion.

The management you speak of have been studiing this claim for some time. It is not the ordinary claim. That reduces the number of competent people you have to pick a replacement from. Any replacement would take quite some time to familiarize themselves with the work and get back up to speed. Beside, I do not think you would be successful finding an adeqete replacement. Too much work is being done in this field and competent people are hard to find, as are drills and crews.

I hope this does not qualify as " flack " because I am not writing it as such. If we took a poll, perhaps 90% of us would be unhappy with what has transpired here with GNH. In fact, I'd like to hear from just one person who is happy. I know management is not happy, and for the same reasom many of us are unhappy. Sometimes things happen that are beyond the reach of what anyone can do. This is one of those. The share price got too far ahead of itself. Not many of us saw that. That was largely because we were looking too far out and lost sight of reality. Reality being what the next few steps would be. So most of us tripped and had a fall. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Recovery from smething like this is painfully slow. There is no hurry to buy and some good news often is a chance to trade. This is what will happen here. Now is about the right time to go back and read the first part again. That is the kernel of truth..........sadly, the rest of this is mostly chaff. So be it!!!

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