Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

Good Afternoon Folks...

GNH is a long term play. Bailing on an investment, early in the game, based on partial information, is a shame. Bailing and turning on one another, an even greater shame. The men and women on this hub contribute what they are best at. Whether it be DD, market perspective, interpretation, chart reading or comic relief. Each contribution an important part of a great hub. Even though I post infrequently here, I read you guys and gals each and every day. I have been impressed with the level of respect you give one another and the information I have obtained on a daily basis. For that I thank you. This afternoon this hub makes me sad.

I have had the great fortune of calling Larry Hoover friend, these last few years. I have also had the opportunity to spend some time with him and see and hear him in action. I have never met a more intelligent, dedicated, hard working, selfless individual than the Hoov. He literally has a heart of gold. The amount of time and energy he puts into research, thought and interpretation of any play that sparks his interest, boggles my mind. He gives of himself and his knowledge freely and is extremely careful to present a realistic, factual, non-biased account of any information he gleans. He has a scientific mind and is driven to obtain the truth, regardless of his position. To suggest, or even hint, that he be involved in a pump and dump scheme is preposterous. You have one of the greatest minds I know, as a hub leader and are so very quick to throw him under a bus. Ironically, when the SP of GNH and/or any other play that Mr. Hoover has endorsed is green, we hail him a god.

The market is fickle and will react to news in ways that make little sense. In times like these, opportunity is right there for us to seize. Instead of walking away from our computers, attacking each other, or criticizing those who brought our attention to this play, we should be looking at that which we know to remain true about this company and it's potential. There is enormous opportunity here with GNH and each of you is invested because you know that based on fact. I don't know about you men and women, but an excellent company, whose SP has been unfairly hit is a tremendous opportunity.

Think long term folks....



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