Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
Re: Skier
over 13 years ago
in response to Skier59's message

I enjoy the views you write along with those of others, including Twilight. Most of us do not agree with his conclusions. He still might end up being right. Some time ago I held shares in a promising tech stock. One annoying poster wrote similiar views about that stock. It aggrevated most of us. In time he was proven right. The company ran out of money and the assets taken over on the cheap by another company. I know this can happen with GNH, but the question yet to be answered, will it?

One important thing we have to think about. Twilight, to my knowledge, has never been to visit the property. I'll put my faith in HOOV, Brattymack, Yukoncornelius, Fantomas Glorieux, and others who have been there. That is the choice we all have to make.

I do want to hear the negative side. Comments he makes such as the Montreal comparison and others, help me decide if his comments hold water. So far he is carrying a leaky pail. But the real truth is none of us know for sure if GNH holds a producing property. The company is working hard to do that and are coming closer with each group of assays they publish.

If you read carefully what Hoov wrote in his last comments, he does not say GNH will succeed in this endevour. If he ever wrote that GNH is going to have an economic mine here and it was guaranteed, what he wrote would lose credibility with me. All the others have been careful with their comments as well. From the very beginning all have been up front about the risk, pointing out it is not written in stone. Yes, we agree that an economic mine may very well become a reality. Otherwise we should not own shares in GNH for the long haul.

I also take offense with statements that serve no decent purpose. Fortunately, here on Agoracom, they get bannished. When it becomes clear these posters are here for no good but to muddy the waters, then they should be banned. That is what makes this board worth reading. Twilight, so far, has not crossed this line. The hub leaders seem to agree. He is still posting here. Not too long ago the enthusiasm here pushed the shares to 98 cents. I was enjoying the " mountain top feelings " along with many others. A few preached caution and Twilight was one of them ( in my view ). I expect many of us will get back up the mountain and enjoy that euphorism again. But the run will be a walk this time. I expect the old saying, " once bitten, twice shy " will have to be dealt with.

I think things will start looking up when the volume dries up in this range of 30 cents. Too many reputable buyers are taking advantage of these prices. When the turn comes, maybe Twilight might help out too.

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