Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to yellowknifer's message

Hi Danny,

Companies can withold assay results or simply never publish them if they so choose. It's their descretion. This also allows them to time them if they so chose. It isn't fraudulent.

I'm not suggesting that is the case here.......just stating that it is possible without recrimination from anyone other than your shareholders.

Also, the difference between metalic sieve....or total pulp metalic is not 2 months to 4 months is about an extra week. GAX just did total pulp after recieving strong results and published the results a week later.

I don't believe anyone is suggesting that the company has done anything un-toward. I hope no one is questioning the integrity of our CEO. His character is beyond re-proach.

These results are in line with expectations from an assay perspective. The intecepts are VERY dissapointing and far below expectations. This dosen't help prove tonnage at all. Even so.....this would be fine except for the fact that all those delays and all those multitude of samples with such an extremly high percentage of VG .......and this is it?.....Were there not some 20,000 samples that needed to be evaluted ....taking all this time to do?.......and this is it?

That's a lot of time and energy........and then we realize that our chief geologist is trying his very best to prove that we have nothing!......sending our lesser core halves to the lab........

We have a right to be upset.......our CEO and IR have said countless times...... and on television .....that they will prove up the goods......and be patient!

Please don't say to shareholders ....."if you don't like it sell".

It's insulting to real investors! ....... some of us believe in the fundamentals here.......why should we leave because of mistakes?........I need to sell because someone didn't do their job in a company where I am the owner?

Sorry Danny......but you are an astute and accomplished know very well that , that isn't how it works.

all the best..................carry

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