Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to SnugTheJoiner's message

....and the first to realize this is Mr. Glass

  • this is why he bought more shares
  • and please remember that thus far, our drilling and sampling have shown very scientific, positive results; these results to date are not just "signs"
  • in fact, these results to date show a probable profile in the ground thus far, as having 100 million tons @ 3 grams per ton.

this is why a geologist buys GNH

the fact that we are currently undervalued at .41 is a topic for Warren Buffit. (and yes, it is a fact that we are undervalued if one inspects the geological science.)

may i ask all questions concerning our present share price to be directed to Warren:))

he will teach clearly that the market is not always correct... and thus, with the proper due diligence that warren and others embark upon, investors become wealthy.

it's not a matter of "signs" ...ever.

it is simply a matter of finding, (as in the case of GNH) those securities which are undervalued: this is done by studying the science of the assets and then to verify if these assets as such, are fairly represented in the market cap.

cheers to all ....danny

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