Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to cantjustread's message

cantjustread, you wrote:

"snug, your post recieved 25 rec's (so, many folks agree with you) but i will say this."

i would like to take this opportunity to ask all people on this board (and if i could, throughout the entire world:)))

  • please asses what someone says in accordance to their very words and if those words make sense.... factually (...this is not a philosophy class:)
  • in other words, please do not asses ones position based on popularity or position

furthermore, we are in the business of science here, as an exploration company in the field of geology...

therefore if a post is only philosophical or poetic winding off with metaphors and grand statements of supposed wisdom ...please beware.

lastly, there is no doubt in my mind that some of the "25 rec's" in this case and other such posts are attributed to those who are delighted in the prospect of having an even lower share price because they are looking to increase their holdings.... traders looking for positions would love these posts to get as many 'thumbs up' as possible. ...such posts represent the greatest advantage to 'soft bashers'

i have received numerous e-mails from those who do not even post here and who are investors of GNH ...and some from those who do post hear. these good folks became alarmed at such posts and were thankful to have an element of factual objectivity.

the world is not what it seems often time ...this is true:)) the best antidote for this for everyone to just stick to science and the facts of our exploration program to date

i can suggest that people read over our last 43-101 compliant summary ...that would be a good start.

cheers ....danny

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