Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

"The money they just raised, along with the existing treasury, exceeds the budget estimate for completing a resource estimate on T1 and T2, to indicated and inferred status. I wouldn't be too surprised to hear that a resource estimate was what Dwek bought into. Timelines are uncertain, but I'd expect a completed report in 2011.


Larry shared an interesting insight on the other board that I ,frankly, never really considered. We also havn't discussed the consequence here either! However, It does warrant consideration as, imo, It has the benefit of defining a clear and measurable goal for management and the Geo team. Having an objective in the near term that brings quantifiable value to the table would make a great deal of sense from the Dwek perspective.

I think this is an important possibility and I'm wondering if there is any additional information available from other members here? Also, if Larry could step in and give us a quick synopsis of his thinking here.

To the subject of our managements response to the Jenna article, I can confirm from my own companies experience, if we get involved with our legal team in an issue we feel warrants further investigation and possible action, we never discuss it publicly and especially make no comments that could involve the press. I'm not suggesting that this is being considered, i'm merely contemplating a scenario whereby a management team would not comment on an article like this. There could certainly be a host of other reasons.


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