Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to naturalgold's message

In an earlier post on this forum, I indicated my personal certainty that there will be results reported by GNH before the end of the year.

I also personally queried Sasha Asgary on this as well and he stated that GNH will "most certainly release results before the end of the year".

From a purely objective business perspective, it would make very little sense for GNH to not report results as they will need to raise further financing within the next six (6) months.

Even if GNH does not release results, I remain convinced that we can expect at the very least a detailed news update on what is going on and what the reasons are for the delays.

Time and again, GNH management has never ducked questions or avoided communication with their shareholders. I don't expect there would be any deviation from this modus operandi.

The fact that Mr Candido and company are out of the country hustling GNH for exposure and attention from potential institutional investors should be seen as a proactive and responsible act of business development which can only benefit the company (and ultimately, shareholders) as a whole.

The anxiety of a lack of reported results can grate on even the most patient of investors (and I am one of the most impatient there probably is). It is human nature.

But Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will GNH be.

If I were standing in Mr Candido's and Mr Tilsley's collective shoes, I would also most certainly want to make any potential release of results completely air-tight and bullet-proof given what the potential is here within this property's rare "hydraulic fracturing" geology.

A thorough read of Mr. Hoover's report and the NI 43-101 report filing released on Oct 18 should balance some perspective here.

If this is as monolithic as is being speculated, there won't be anyone here who will even remember (let alone care) about the delays in the reporting of results.

That would also reflect human nature...


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