Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to glorieux's message

Might be just the medicine this exhausted patient needs. I first intended to use the term " sick " in place of exhausted, but it didn't seem to sit right with me. I think many of you would agree that GNH is not sick.

As I read the NR I had a big smile running from ear to ear like a vein of gold. Is there really any difference with this NR and what Hoov ( and others ) have been telling us? NOT A D*** THING!!!!!

Yeah, I know. Some smart so and so will point out that this is from the company. Now I know that source is important so I'm not down-playing that. I welcome this NR from the company and it comes at a critical time. But it's the content that rises above all else. It's the truth we want. Hoov and others have told us ( as I see it ) all along what this NR is saying. I believed this group of people for some reason. I fell in love with the story and GNH. I have not sold one share. Yes!, I am nervous, so that proves I am human. I have seen this type of behaviour before and the fall took the shares into oblivion. POOF!!, gone!. Why wouldn't a normal person be nervous? I've also seen this happen with a stock and after a period, it rose above old highs to new ones. WHY!!, that's the question to ask. The answer is that in the former the fundamentals were not there but in the latter, they were. I am like Hoov in my thinking ( but not to his level ) when he says for him, the fundamentals have more to say where a stock price will go than the charts. I am not knocking T.A. I respect it and enjoy the commentary and work they produce. It is what works for you that is important. It your chart says sell, then do it!!! Many have. I believe the fundamentals are sound and this company NR reafirms my " golden hope ". I know I have company even though I do not know any of you.

I just want to say a word about this person who earlier wrote that some of our respected group have the most to lose. I agree with her ( if she is a her ). I think she intended their reputation but money also gets included. I think for the most part they have held. What we do not know is her intention. If we stick to the facts like so many have recently implored us to do, then lets do it!!! If she has suffered a loss financially and is striking back out of bitterness, then she is wrong even though I think the message is right. None of us feel comfortable when our integrity is challenged or smeared. That's human. But when we know we are RIGHT, we have to be TOUGH enough to wait and be patient. In time, if we are right, the fundamentals will vindicate us. If she posted in good faith, then there may be some truth in what she says. It is true for all of us.

A few posters who I respect very much have not posted for a while. Somebody else mentioned this too. When you recover from this traumatic shock, write us so we know you are well......Liz

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