Golden Goliath Resources's Profile

Sierra Madre - Mexico Identify and develop the Gold & Silver potential. - Agnico Eagle Mines holds 14.5 %

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. Vancouver, BC TSX.V : GNG. The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of an historic mining camp located in the world famous Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico.

Agnico Eagle Mines holds 14.5 %

Sprott Asset Management holds 18.4 %

Unlike most juniors, which have an option to earn an interest in a single property or a few scattered properties in various areas or countries, Golden Goliath controls an entire old mining camp, or district, that covers an area of 15 by 25 kilometres, with numerous past producing gold and silver mines dating back to the time of the Spaniards. Golden Goliath’s Uruachic claims are owned 100% by the Company and are fully paid for with no property option or purchase payments to make.


Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.’s mission is to identify and develop new precious and base metal mineral resources in the world-famous Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico and other adjacent areas. The historic Sierra Madre district is known for a wealth of minerals and contains numerous historic gold and silver mines dating to Spanish colonial times.

Most juniors only have an option to earn an interest in a single property or a few scattered properties in various areas or countries. In contrast, GNG already owns and controls a land package measuring 15 by 25 kilometres (8,500 hectare) that covers the past-producing Uruachic mining camp, and this is its primary mining target area.

GNG has additional properties outside of Uruachic, such as the La Cruz silver property which was optioned to Pan American Silver in September 2007, and Chamizal which was optioned to Comstock Capital in May.

GNG’s Uruachic claims are wholly owned; there are no property options or purchase payments to be made.

Geophysical and geochemical surface sampling and drilling completed since 2000, plus historic production, have convinced management of significant resource potential. GNG’s exploration strategy is to:

  • Develop its portfolio of prospects
  • Apply modern exploration techniques
  • Seek mineralization near old workings, using surface exploration to identify targets
  • Develop partnerships through option agreements with Comstock Capital Corporation
  • GNG is focusing its strategy on multi-million dollar projects that will begin in 2007 and 2008. This consists of a major drilling program implemented in the spring of 2007, ramping up with three drills scheduled to be on the property by September. This will also include diamond drilling, underground rehabilitation and sampling

The Company’s other properties, both within and outside of the Sierra Madre mountain range, are being explored by joint venture partners, such as Pan American Silver and Comstock Capital Corp. GNG’s agreement with Pan American Silver’s Mexican subsidiary allows them to earn a 60% interest in the property followed by a 60/40 joint venture. Pan American can then earn another 15% by completing a feasibility study. GNG also has an agreement with Comstock Capital, which give them the right to earn a 60% interest in both the Corona and Chamizal properties. These agreements will allow GNG to focus on its own drilling programs primarily in the La Reforma, Las Bolas, San Timoteo and Las Bolas areas.

Golden Goliath’s management has a long history in Mexico and this has allowed it unique opportunities for acquiring excellent prospects at very low cost.

Last changed at 20-Jan-2009 06:40AM by Highgrader

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    J. Paul Sorbara, President

    Mr. Sorbara, President of the Company, completed his M.Sc. at the University of Toronto in 1979, studying collapsed caldera structures in Canada's Northwest Territories. Following graduation, he conducted Caldera Reconnaissance Programs for Cominco Ltd. in both British Columbia and the Sierra Madre Occidental range in Northern Mexico, spending a number of years in Cominco's Guadalajara office. Changes in the foreign investment laws made investment in Mexico feasible, and Mr. Sorbara was one of the first Canadians to go there. With help from his numerous Mexican geological contacts, he started his own private Mexican exploration company, Minera Delta S.A. de C.V. which after eight years he took public as Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.

    Stephen Pearce, CFO

    Stephen Pearce, CFO is a practicing lawyer who specializes in corporate and securities work. He serves as a director and officer of several resource related public companies. Mr. Pearce has a Law degree from the University of British Columbia and an economics degree from York University.

    Ing. Daniel Nofrietta Fernandez

    Ing. Nofrietta is a Mexican National who studied geology both in Mexico and the United States. He has worked as exploration manager for several large international companies throughout Mexico and has a vast knowledge of the Sierra Madre Occidental region. He has also taught at the University of Chihuahua and is Past President of the Chihuahua chapter of the Association of Professional Geologists, Geochemists and Metallurgists of Mexico.


    Marc Legault,DIRECTOR

    Mr. Legault is Vice-President, Project Development with Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. in Toronto and has held several positions within Agnico-Eagle including exploration geologist, mining geologist and now chief geologist at the Laronde Division, a 7,000 tonne per day underground gold-silver-copper-zinc mine. He was instrumental in convincing Agnico-Eagle of the potential of its Pinos Altos epithermal gold-silver project in Chihuahua, and is currently managing the exploration and evaluation program at Pinos Altos while evaluating other mining opportunities in Mexico. A graduate of Queen's University with a B.Sc. with Honours in geological engineering and an M.Sc. in geology from Carleton University, Mr. Legault is also a licensed professional engineer in both Ontario and Quebec, and served on the CIM committee that developed the Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Resources Best Practice Guidelines.

    Richard Hughes,DIRECTOR

    Mr. Richard Hughes is one of the people behind the discovery of the Hemlo Gold Mines in Ontario and the discovery of the Balmoral Mine in Quebec. Mr. Hughes controls Hastings Management Corp., and is president and/or a director of numerous public mining companies.

    Andrew MacGregor Robertson DIRECTOR,

    Dr. Robertson was one of the founding partners of the international mining and geotechnical consulting firm SRK. In 1995, he left SRK to found the mining geotechnical engineering firm Robertson Geoconsultants Inc. He is also the founder and chairman of INFOMINE Inc., the operators of the premier mining information site on the internet - Dr. Robertson was a key figure in the start up of Gemcom Software International Inc. (GSI), and since it's inception has been active in the strategic direction of the company. GSI has become one of the leading developers and suppliers of exploration, reserve calculation, mining engineering and planning software.

    Rob Hutchison, DIRECTOR

    A co-founder of eCharge Corporation (, Rob held numerous positions within eCharge including, President, and Chief Technical Officer. Prior to co-founding eCharge Corporation, Rob Hutchison was President of SNI Corporation, which specialized in the integration of SUN Microsystems UNIX based systems and Internet & Firewall Security. He is also Vice President and co-founder of Vivox International Inc.

    Edward Sorbara, DIRECTOR

    Mr. Sorbara, a very successful businessman in Toronto, one of the principals of 'The Sorbara Group', which has extensive holdings in real estate, construction and insurance.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • GNG Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Golden Goliath Resources
84,211,763 Fd Aug 31 2008
Metals & Minerals
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