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Last August, Walker was ordered by Ben Barry, U.S. bankruptcy judge, to pay $410,000 in a settlement of a lawsuit filed in Hot Springs by Michael Simms of West Palm Beach, Florida. (Walker) obtained $205,000 from Simms “under false pretenses” or an actual “fraud,” Simms said in his lawsuit, filed by Judy Henry of the Little Rock firm of Wright Lindsey & Jennings. Walker promised to return Simms’ $205,000 along with another $205,000 in 95 days. Simms paid Walker $205,000 in 2007 as part of a Florida real-estate deal which was supposed to be used to persuade Wal-Mart to locate a store. In the settlement, Walker was ordered to pay Simms $100,000 in four quarterly installments, ending next month. Asked how much he had been paid so far, Simms said Monday: “not a nickel.” Simms said the $205,000 he gave Walker was from his late wife’s life-insurance policy. He planned to use the money for his children’s education. Simms complained to the Democrat-Gazette reporter that Walker “is not cooperating.” Smith noted that “Walker did not return phone calls Monday seeking comment.” Wow. This Phoenix story is showing more legs than a granddaddy spider.
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Global Resource Corp
64.8 m 1/2010
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