Agoracom Forum Leaders

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Good afternoon to you all and thanks for both the questions posed and answers provided by other HUB Leaders. Great to see the collaboration. Please find enclosed my response to scenarios that have been posted here:

1. A HUB Leader Reports A Violation Post (Not Their Own) and Then Processes It

We have no problem with a HUB Leader both reporting and processing a violation that is not their own. First, we trust our HL's, which is why we give them the authority. Second, from a practical point of view, another HL may not be online at the time and the post may warrant immeidate processing.

I have to say that I like the rules of engagement created by Dischino ("Dish") with fellow HL's on his boards. We are going to recommend it to other HL's.

2. A HUB Leader Processes A Violation Report Of Their Own Post

All other things being equal, this should not happen. HL's are subject to the same 6 Rules of Use and their authority doesn't give them a pass. As such, processing of the violation should be made by another HL.

Having said that, there are legitimate exceptions to the rule. For example, a member hell bent on being a nuisance reports posts as violations when they clearly are not. We've all seen this. In such a case, clearing those violations, including their own is not an issue.

I stress this should only happen in clear circumstances of nuisance reporting. If a member or fellow HL believes the violations are being cleared improperly, DM me or admin right away.

3. A HUB Leader Goes Rogue

This doesn't happen often but it has happened. A HL starts nuking every post that doesn't agree with their view of things, or posting in clear violation of the rules.

Simply send a PM to me or Admin and we'll take a look.

4. General Items

(i) In all circumstances, HL's should first communicate with each other about any concerns, including those listed above. We find HL's to simply be great communicators that are respectful of both their responsibilities and the opinions of other HL's. Given the fact each HUB has its own unique personality and characteristics, talking it out amongst yourselves first is far more effective than calling in the cavalry.

If that collaboration doesn't solve the problem and you fear the actions of a HL are detrimental to the long-term integrity of the forum, then call us in.

(ii) Per an earlier post, I just wanted to clarify that having one of your posts reported as a violation does not decrease your point total. Only if that post is processed as a violation will it count against you

(iii) You guys are awesome. I hope you can understand the pride I feel watching the HUB Leader system operate as it was originally planned to. As Optionsgal stated in an earlier post, the system is not perfect but (a) it is self correcting (b) it is the best system anywhere on the planet!

Thanks and please don't hesitate to post follow-on questions and comments.



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