First Mexican Gold Corp.

First Mexican Gold Corp. Up to 80% interest in Hilda gold property. Land package in Sonora, Mexico, increased ten-fold to 15.112 hectares (Feb. 2011)

Jim. let's start out with some news already... Start small and build up to something, instead of putting out all the "good news" all at once. You must have some results back by now. It's been almost 6 weeks since you sent away the core samples, according to the West Coast Guy. He also mentioned that it would take 4 -5 weeks to get the results back... Hmmmm. If you don't want to release any results, that generally only means one thing:

They Aren't That Good!!!

Anyone want to prove me wrong, go right ahead. I have learned to see mediocre to terrible results when it takes a long time to get them out. That is just the game people play, waiting to see if they can find another drill core that comes in much better so they can use THAT drill core for their news heading...

Time for some news, me thinks. Another all time low of 13 cents today... I was told at the beginning of this investment that it just possibly may be "the feather in Jim's cap" when it came to his projects. I looked at all the information at the time, including the results of the neighbors and decided that it WAS worth the risk of an investment... So, Jim, prove me right... Show me that I didn't find another dud, like too many of my former investments.

If anyone has talked to Jim lately, please do share, and if nobody has, perhaps a phone call would be in order... from someone who knows the man would be preferential...

Still hanging on, albeit with a bit of sand in my craw...

Herb :-\

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First Mexican Gold Corp.
58.2M I/O, Dec.23/2013
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