Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to tbs001's message

I feel your frustration Terry.  FNC holdings of CIA alone are now worth  $4 517 333 (10 266 666 shares x .44 cents).  FNC current market cap at $5.3 million.

The one thing I will say is the new rail being studied by QC Gov. and Cia is to include Bloom Lake.  Blook lake is 60km North of CFLN and should the study be positive, could impact CFLN in a really positive way (they'll have to lay the rail line near CFLN inorder to get to Bloom). Phase 1 &2 of the study are to be published before years end. 

From CIA's latest MD&A

"SFNQ completed the tender process for a Feasibility study on the first phase of a new multi-user railway that would link the new Pointe Noire port facilities at the Port of Sept-Iles to Fire Lake North and other miners in the Fermont area. The contract was awarded to Canarail Consultants Inc. (“Canarail”). The contract was amended to include the phase 1B segment extending the proposed rail from Fire Lake North to Bloom Lake allowing access to a greater number of potential users in the Labrador Trough.

The Feasibility Study for both Phase 1A and Phase 1B are scheduled to be delivered before year-end"

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