Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to Tony T's message

Hello Tony and Fishercat.

Thank you for being so alert on so on subject.

I share everybody’s loss of patience so far as practically everything Our Fearless Leader does not do, which keeps us all senselessly waiting, for no good reason. In one way, only, does my opinion differ from the consensus here, so far as one exception (regarding communicating with Shareholders).

Expressing my one solitary voice, I believe Our Great Sovereign (compared to the great majority of public company spokespersons) has generally been forthcoming, so far as answering our inquires (whether or not you happen to appreciate, very much, what he has to say). You may justifiably quarrel with how really forthcoming he is. Legitimate criticism is: How open and revelatory he can be when he feels like it; compared to being silent or evasive when he doesn’t. Yet who amongst us is free from that very same universal human failing?

It is not so much his failure to communicate; as it is the unevenness of how he goes about it; or to what degree he gets to the point. Above all else, the real problem with his communications is the fact that: There’s no discernable inter-group link, whatsoever, with the wider investment communities. That’s the real core of ninety percent of our problems, which with minimal planning, would not be as needlessly severe and hurtful as they are.

In summary, sometimes The-Brains-Behind-Our-Operations is talkative; sometimes not. Generally, talkativeness is not so much the problem as it is: To whom the talk is directed; and according to the neglect of any planning behind any coherent talking points to any coherent good purpose.

Which brings me to the most recent complaints concerning No News From China. My take is: The silence is not really all-that-typical of Peter. Again, generally, my communicatory complaints (albeit very serious ones) are on a different track than that.

So what’s the reason? Perhaps Peter is being cagey? Perhaps it’s the timing? Perhaps he doesn’t want to open himself up to the questioning of what he knew in advance of doubling our stake in Magpie? Your guess is as good as mine (or probably better).

In any event, certainly, so far as News From China (regardless of what we think of other things), I believe there’s hardly any room for any different opinion about our frustration—from any of us—with this particular News Blackout. Absolutely, we have the right to be better informed. Absolutely, so far as this subject is concerned, there’s no mistaking it’s a very serious matter.

So far as timeliness, absolutely, if ever there was anything deserving of having a cluster of bright spotlights on it, this is it. So far as The-Sleeping-Personage-In-The-Royal-Bedchamber, it’s high time for somebody (better at it than me) to wake Him up.

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