Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to MaCloud's message

Hello MaCloud.

Thank you for your kind words. So far as my posting my viewpoint elsewhere, I’ll leave that to you or to others. If anything, what I say would carry more weight if the distribution source were other than myself. In any event, I doubt my remarks—read by someone at random—would make a lasting impression. On the other hand, of course, there’s no harm in it.

The messages I post here do serve a good purpose because many of the people who exchange messages with me here know me. So what I have to say is not forgotten as soon as I say it. Besides the Message Hub, I’ve exchanged Private Messages and email messages with several of the people who correspond here. Beyond that, I’ve had phone conversations with some of those same people.

It serves good purposes for people who respect each other to inform one another and keep one another on top of developments. That’s very different from more widely publicizing Fancamp’s investment virtues. There’s even better good purpose in doing that. But I’m not dedicated to the task.

Indeed, “dedication” to the task is what’s absolutely required. Dr. Smith owes it to us. Trust me. Unfortunately, for all his genus in other respects (which is clearly evident to me), he’s as thick-skulled as anybody on Earth so far as the value he places on developing heartfelt and sincere and continuing relationships with investors (and even with his own Shareholders).

Look at it this way: Say (in response to popular demand) our website, magically, got transformed into the most perfect one in existence. It wouldn’t help; because nobody (but us) goes there. Of the many hundreds of books ever written about Direct Marketing, every single one of them agrees on the elementary fact that obstinately ignoring the subject will result in failure (to get anybody to pay attention to the course of action that you want but are keeping secret).

Every sales rep knows, from day one, you will not make the sale unless you ask for it. In our business, asking once is not enough. Serious business relationships are a prerequisite. That doesn’t happen by waving a magic wand one time. In our industry, you need to target 200 or so investment institutions. Every day, you need to make yourself (or your agent) talk to some portion of the relevant investment professionals. Only after doing that will our company gain control of its destiny and give us (the Shareholders) the representation we deserve.

As I’ve repeatedly said on this Message Hub, two and a half years ago (with 30 million shares backing me), I strenuously advocated (for the better part of six months) the Shareholder cause (I just described). Bob Granger supported my efforts. But after we both realized I was talking to the wall, he attempted the takeover of 2012 (which failed because Marquest backed Dr. Smith).

This is a great company. Dr. Smith is a great guy (with one bad deficiency). But—after all my failures to get anywhere with him—I’m the last person anybody should rely on to get through to him now (or to make a real difference—at the present time—in any other respect). As I’ve said before, if anybody wants to use any of my Messages anywhere for any good purpose, be my guest. And, again, MaCloud, I very much appreciate and respect your important contributions to the Shareholder knowledgebase and your backing of the information I’ve been putting out.

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