Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to Eudaimonia's message

Hello Eudai.

I do not put my posts out to be oppositional or to stir up trouble or to get people unduly agitated. When I come across information of value that not all of us have, I post it because it will serve us all better to have it rather than not to have it. When it comes to making sound investment decisions, being unruffled and unperturbed will serve you best.

On this Message Hub, without exception, everybody understands that investment decisions can backfire, even after all the best due diligence. Most of us have had experiences where the markets turned around for no good reason; or where the executives of one company or the other were self-serving; or where there was dishonestly; or where decisive information was held back; or where there was an unforeseeable circumstance. We’ve all been there (or most of us have been there).

Our experiences teach us that there are differences as well as commonalities to what’s happened to us. In its own special way, our Fancamp investment is always up to the challenge of trying the patience and killing the stability and equilibrium of the best of us.

Investors are subject to cruelties and misfortune. Investors are also subject to being rewarded for all the wrong reasons.

In the frustration department, it’s fair to say, Fancamp takes the cake. But that’s not a good reason to throw out everything we ever learned, collectively, from all our positive as well as negative experiences. In other words—in spite of the imbalances in the market and our own uneven performance—it pays to use good sense and to continue to use good sense and not to throw out good sense.

Even though your points are well-taken—even though there’s plenty of good cause for your fury—all the wrongful conduct and misdeeds boil down to human folly. The science of calculating investment probabilities teaches us that the greater the folly, the higher the likelihood that it will not be allowed to continue. It also teaches us that the greater the Shareholder injury from the habitual and abusive routine of mindless dumping, the greater the rebound will be when, instead, shares are issued according to merit, under conventional financing.

You have the excellent opportunity to use your terrible years of (unrelentingly cruel) experiences for your advantage, not for your disadvantage. Allow some of your great supply of better and calmer nerve-endings in the front portion of your brain to have their say. Science teaches us their task is to control the decision-making process, according to the rules of good reason.

Science also teaches us that Fancamp’s mountains of mineral assets are not about to fly away. For one thing, they’re too heavy for wings. For another thing, I don’t believe there’s any Law of Geology that would ever allow such an improbable phenomenon.

Given the unlikelihood of that kind of miraculous event ever taking place in our lifetimes, there only remains one problem, our CEO. The genius of the guy who created this company and built it up from nothing is undeniable and should not be forgotten. At the same time, as we all know, he also has the undeniable genius for forgetting—no matter how many times reminded—to do anything constructive about the price of our shares.

Unlike our mountains of resources, the problem at the top can be removed. Also, it’s only at the very top. Lately, there’s been a welcome influx of excellent talent, immediately below the very top.

I can tell from your tone of voice and the tenor of your remarks that you are not a contrarian investor. Trust me, those are the people who fare the best over time, by a very wide margin. The contrarian investor’s most beautiful dream come true is Fancamp, exactly in condition it is in right now. The only thing holding us back is that one guy at the very top who is in process of being surrounded and outnumbered by all the incoming highly-qualified new Directors. Also, he’s not getting any younger.

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