Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.

Bottom line we are all on the same side - higher share price for shareholders.

Balance - did you read my posts and comprehend why i don't call peter or are you just awnry and beligerent. Let me recap - I was there for peter long ago thru thick and thin... i chose to throw in the towel and peter and I do not see things the same way when it comes to value creation and the timeline that should have taken.....

he won't talk to me and even if he would - he has nothing to say in terms of a business plan and vision to enhance value... he cares only about himself and somewhere to go and muddle on a day to day basis......

so i am asking one of his current lackies and suporteres to objectively call and ask the tough questions..... why does Magpie metalurgy take so long ? why does china smelting take so long and who is going to do the deal when the results come back favorable.

when do we see magpie stock in our hands? Argex ? Champion?

go pick his brain and find out for yourself and then enlighten us.... otherwise if you have no interest why own the stock? are you going to feel the same way in 10 years?

Marquest - do you acknowledge that Marquest has NO VESTED interest in the share price and could care less and acts that way by not taking a board seat... the value accrues to the Unit holders of their flow thru fund and not to Marquest management - they are only a fiduciary acting for their clients and don't give a damn about fnc.... all they want is the next financing..... if I am wrong about that then please explain.

Bottom line is that the current management - PETER is the only management --- there is NO CFO - NO Shareholder relation person - NObody with a extensive network to the Investment community. The board which peter never consulted (maybe that will change) is perfunctory and has no input into running the operations.

the assets we all agree are worth more.... I just believe Peter can't unlock that value in our lifetime and don't think he is motviated to do this on a quick pace.

I am asking you at this point to provide some concrete plan/vision of the next year and peter can tell you his plans (or not) and you can share that with your fellow board members here at agoracom.

How about it? think you can get Mr Smith to give us his plan and timeline...

oh and yes - ask him how much it will cost and where and when he plans on getting the money at 15 cents...

me he will tell Zippo and so am in need of other sources to help.... do you have a problem on taking the WIN and now focusing your energy on Success of the stock price.


have a wonderful night.


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Fancamp Exploration
151,567,752 FD 8/26/2013
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