Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to TeleProbe's message

TeleProbe and all,

These "real questions" TeleProbe puts forth are the same old tired questions we have pounded on for years. Where have the answers taken us? To well over 130,000,000 shares FD after this financing. Peter has had 25 years of opertating time and space! Do you really think he would have tried something like this before the AGM? I

I presume some of us are the "99%" here and let's not forget we can forge change and make some noise. I am past the tipping point for knowing his plan is to full well just maintain power and follow the road of a KWG, Spider, UC, Freewest, etc. who all just ballooned their shares outstanding. Take note of how radical of a change his approach has been the past two years. He used to do everything to minimize dilution, now it's the complete opposite? 100 million shares in less than 5 years! Why? He will be too stubborn and unrealistic to make a deal, but he has no problem diliuting the company 25-30%, which will only serve to hurt us? He is not acting in the best interest of shareholders, how clear can it be?!?

And was that a well timed pump Rago about the supposed 'take over' talk or were you just a pawn to try and bump up the price a little so the financing could be done at .31? I'm sorry if you take offense to this, but maybe you don't realize some of the games that are played. Interesting timing i'd say and funny how that conversation quickly died.

Listen folks, i have hoped to be wrong about this guy. I think Fancamp could have been a phenomenol company. It just lacked the right leadership and you should know we are being unneccessarily cut up by very poor and self-interested decision making. It's not in the best interest for Fancamp or its shareholders. We are way too late for the Lac Lamalee party imo. If he were to act in the best interest of the company, there wouldn't be so much waste on other plays while we can build some of our key (1-3) assets. He just wants to take his sweet time to enjoy the ride and call the shots.

I'm sorry for the vent, but i'm sure you can appreciate my frustration after we have been gearing up for CHM's PEA, Magpie developments, ROF results, etc. etc.

Did not see this coming!!


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