Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to rose2010's message

Rose. Your post was out of line, inappropriate, and disgusting.

Please keep the board clean. If you disagree with Rago, I’m sure you can drag out a plethora of data to support your view or opinion. And please do. If your intent is to discredit Rago, back up with support.But please use private messages to make it personal.

There are some here who are grateful that Rago talks to Smith and passes information to us. Others would have all posts be negative, as positive posts are perceived as showing Smith respect. I think we all feel our patience has been assaulted by Smith and feel emotionally negative with any further assaults.However, there are many positives justifying Rago's enthusiasm.FNC management and several large holding interests view FNC as positive.Even the Cambell interview on BNN said FNC will get taken out (which could be positive or negative).

Also note that Rago referred to both Smith and Granger. Would you apply the same lack of respect for Granger as you would with Smith? Granger is extremely positive about Magpie. Does he have a reputaion of being unrealistic and a pumper? We don't know Magpie evaluation to negate his positive outlook. Fancamp is now a dual-headed entity.What Smith does, Granger does.

Shouldn’t one balance negative posts with positive news?To not include the positive movements behind FNC causes a raised eyebrow.At first one would assume that we are all of accord that we desire FNC to deliver multiples. I heard one large shareholder describe FNC as being possibly the most profitable company he's ever held.I’m sure we all hope this is true, or we would have exited FNC a long time ago.But not everyone feels this way. We are currently under a minor siege from two companies selling FNC down.I’m sure they appreciate all negativity generated.

Support the negativism by calling Smith and expressing your opinions. Then vent it on Agoracom. It may be necessary to maintain cynicism regarding Smith until he delivers Magpie direct ownership. Though my patience is insanely stretched to a snapping point, I know we are realistically on the brink of launching.Now that Granger has recovered and is making things happen, one can now assume that there are many things about to unfold with FNC, beginning by the end of this week or beginning of next: Closing PP and participants writing their own evaluations. One has said they can’t make a write up until the PP closes. We can look forward to Magpie evaluation.Magpie IPO. Fermont scans. Fermont IPO intent announcement, McFaulds updates.CHM increasing ore. FNC offers for Magpie. Offers for Fermont interests and (unfortunately) FNC itself. Later this summer, drilling at Fermont. I feel Smith isn't slacking anymore. Am I wrong here?

Also, there are now large institutions involved with FNC now. I doubt anything we write here really changes or ever has influenced their determination to be part of FNC. They have made their determination based on confidentiality agreements, not agoracom. (I'm jealous. I'll sign an agreement to know the critical data of our investment.)

Therefore, why post on Agoracom, except an emotional outlet to vent or the desire to genuinely inform? For example (I hope he doesn't mind me saying this), I know Rago plans to buy some more FNC. What incentive would he have to pump before he buys. Therefore, why suppress his participation? We are about to enter a period of overwhelming data and events to discuss. Let's do it credibly so we all benefit from multiple inputs.

Thank you,


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