Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.

For the Ears of Peter Smith

I was hunting for an hour last night for a mosquito that's been vamping my boys for a few days. Which made me think of - buzz.

Something Smith should consider:

The purist in him may want to obtain financing through a sound news release that increases the SP.

However, a news release is only one step in obtaining financing. There needs to be a cultivation of retail prior to a news release, so when news hits, the SP launches and FNC is able to obtain financing with less dilution. For example, a good movie justifies the ticket price, once the customer already paid. But first you need to create buzz to get them to buy the ticket in the first place. In mining, a good news release justifies the buzz which caused them to invest in the first place.

Create the Buzz: There are a few things Smith can do right now to increase the SP prior to a news release. Smith can make retail believe in the bargain the current SP is because of a rich future. Nemis was great at this with Noront. How many of us complain that our SP doesn't reflect the ore insitu value. Noront hit $7 on Nemis’ use of retail. Noront utilized the high SP and now who has more financing than anyone else in the ring of fire? Nemis recognized the value and IMPORTANCE of retail's role in increasing the SP to obtain financing. FNC is close to rock bottom so the time is ripe to hit us hard with the following:

1) Right now, there are many investors flush with profits (GNH profiteers for one) who could be guided to investing in FNC if they were cultivated. Obtain a comment from everyone: Dwek, Thompson, Harvey, Mac, Mike, Granger, Fouad, Smith and some of your old-school networks supporting FNC in the background. Provide comments supported by technical geological indicators, that show why they are enthusiastic. Pass these comments on via e-mail to a key retail mouthpiece (any regular on Agoracom). Convince the retail “how” money will be made in the short term and the long term. Appeal to us as if you were one of us who needs short term gains to sustain the long term big play. If some directors have made money in the past, convince us you’ll do it again.

2) Another way to support the stock price, are for the above directors/advisors to buy FNC shares tomorrow. It would indicate confidence to shareholders that the directors are excited about their companies' prospects (and possibly know something investors don't know). Communicate a purchase immediately so retail can spread the news around rapidly. Granger is there to guide insider legal complications.

3) Has FNC considered merging companies with Nemis' company or Noront? What would be the advantages or disadvantages? It doesn't matter if FNC is serious or not, what matters is that investors consider the possibilities of consolidation. This builds the excitement of entertaining the all important "what if" aspect of investing.

4) Support the SP by telling the shareholders about any past or current offers/bids for FNC properties by interested companies that you rejected. Leak who has approached FNC, what they wanted, how much, and the reasons you said no, refer to 1.

5) Always communicate to shareholders the intention of getting money into shareholder pockets, via increasing their portfolio or selling a property and dispersing dividends. I can’t stress this enough! ! Wes lost the trust of retail: the SP is rock bottom. I guarantee you if Nemis became CEO of Noront again and Harvey its geologist, Noront would double in one week, without changing the fundamentals of it's ore. Confidence leads to perception of future profits. Nothing personal, but if Nemis became CEO of FNC tomorrow, FNC would skyrocket, yet the fundamentals of FNC haven't changed. Still doubt me about how important this communication is? What would happen to Fancamp stock if Friedland became CEO? This communication is all important: If I’m CEO you will make money ASAP!

The SP will rise by accessing and utilizing retail confidence and fear of losing out. FNC must make retail feel the captain intends to make money. Fancamp has all these fantastic properties (thanks to Smith’s talented ability to bargain hunt honed from years of antique hunting no doubt), but retail perceives that Smith doesn't prioritize shareholders, so the SP doesn't launch nor reflect it’s great properties.

All Smith has to do is throw us .25c dividend once and a while (sell a property for 12.5 mil divided by 50mil outstanding shares) and FNC market cap would more than double, making that 12.5 mil a 25mil investment on top of director share dividends. Market cap would double due to investor's confidence that the CEO seeks to make investors money in the short term while we wait for the big play –the orbit launcher. With greater SP comes financing with less dilution.

Do you see how all the above is beyond the scope of a News Release, yet necessary in supporting the SP prior to a news release.

Thank you for allowing my candor,


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