Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
Re: news
about 15 years ago

Assets 30-Apr-09 30-Apr-08
Cash and Cash Equivalents $355,011 $326,585
Marketable Securities (Note 3) 2,375,084 166,217
Accounts Receivable (Note 7) 652,450
Sales Taxes Refundable 116,492 16,176
Accrued Mining Duty Receivable 50,050 31,284
Accrued Exploration Tax Credits Receivable 112,226 58,667
Prepaid Expenses 3,981 6,375
Total Current Assets 3,012,844 1,257,754


The Company has investments in marketable securities which have been classified as available for sale.

2009 2009
Champion Minerals Inc., at fair market value 42,000 -
Uracan Resources Ltd., at fair market value 57,750 56,000
Probe Mines Ltd., at fair market value 5,050 29,795
Diadem Resources Ltd., at fair market value 284 922
Bonaventure Enterprises Inc., at fair market value 1,750 14,000
Nebu Minerals Ltd., at fair market value 15,750 28,000
RT Minerals Inc., at fair market value 2,500 37,500
7013833 Canada Inc., private company 2,250,000 -
2,375,084 166,217

The difference between the fair value and the cost of marketable securities has been recorded in

accumulated other comprehensive income.

Champion Minerals Inc.

During the year, the Company received 50% of the 300,000 common shares of Champion Minerals Inc. pursuant to an option agreement to sell 65% of its 50% interest in 15 iron properties which are part of the Mt. Reed/Mt. Wright property. The quoted market price of Champion Minerals Inc. was $0.28 as at April 30, 2009. The Company disposed 50,000 common shares in the period subsequent to April 30, 2009 at $0.29 per share for $14,500.

Uracan Resources Ltd.

The Company received 50% of the 350,000 common shares of Uracan Resources Ltd. in consideration for its 50% ownership interest in the Johan Beetz property. The quoted market price of the shares of Uracan Resources Ltd. was $0.33 as at April 30, 2009 (2008: $0.32).

Probe Mines Ltd.

The Company received 100,000 common shares of Probe Mines Ltd. pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 100% interest in the McFaulds/Fancamp property in Ontario, consisting of 4 mineral claims.

During 2007, the Company sold 49,500 shares. The quoted market price of the remaining 50,500 shares was $0.10 as at April 30, 2009 (2008: $0.59).

Diadem Exploration Inc.

The Company received an ownership interest in 23,790 first preferred shares of Diadem Exploration Inc. in consideration for its 50% ownership interest in 102 claims in the Otish Mountain region of Quebec. The Company previously received a 100% ownership interest in 2,990 of the first preferred shares and a 50% joint ownership interest in the remaining 20,800 shares.

Diadem Exploration Inc. is a 100% subsidiary of Diadem Resources Ltd., a Canadian public company.

The shares in Diadem Exploration Inc. were exchanged into shares of Diadem Resources Ltd. at the option of Diadem Resources Ltd., at an exchange price of $1.888. The Company now holds a 100% interest in 1,584 common shares and a 50% interest in 11,017 common shares. The quoted market price of the shares of Diadem Resources Ltd. was $0.04 as at April 30, 2009 (2008: $0.13).

Bonaventure Enterprises Inc.

The Company received 50% of the 100,000 common shares of Bonaventure Enterprises Inc. pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 50% interest in the Baie Comeau property. The quoted market price of the shares of Bonaventure Enterprises Inc. was $0.035 as at April 30, 2009 (2008: $0.28).

Nebu Minerals Ltd.

The Company received 50% of the 350,000 common shares of Nebu Minerals Ltd. pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 50% interest in the George River property. The quoted market price of the shares of Nebu Minerals Ltd. was $0.09 as at April 30, 2009(2008: $0.16).

RT Minerals Inc.

The Company received 50% of the 500,000 common shares of RT Minerals Inc. pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 50% interest in the Godbout claims, part of the Baie Comeau property.

During the year, RT Minerals Inc. became a public company and the estimated market price of the shares of RT Minerals Inc. was $0.01 as at April 30, 2009. (2008: $0.15)

7013833 Canada Inc.

The Company received 1,500,000 redeemable face value fully paid non-assessable shares of 7013833 Canada Inc., pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 100% interest in the Lac La Blache property.

The preferred shares are secured by the property and will pay a 5% annual dividend.

The Company received a further 50% of 1,500,000 redeemable face value fully paid non-assessable shares of 7013833 Canada Inc., pursuant to an option agreement to sell its 50% interest in the Consolidated Morrison and Hanna properties. The preferred shares are secured by the property and will pay a 5% annual dividend. Also see Note 5 (d).

On February 23, 2009, Argex Silver Capital Inc. (“Argex”) entered into an acquisition agreement to acquire all of the assets of 7013833 Canada Inc. As per this agreement and the subsequent qualifying transaction, the preferred shares have a redeemable face value of $1.00 per preferred share. The qualifying transaction was filed by Argex on May 11, 2009 whereby the total redeemable face value of the preferred shares will be convertible into common shares of Argex at the fair value price of Argex.

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