Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.

Warning: pure pumping below. But why not?

Ten-bagger? We'll be right here for a longtime without Nickel strike. Fun scenarios to think about: With an equivilent strike to NOT, due to our low outstanding shares, we'll be five times more then Noront high = $35. However, due to the cooling of ROF, more skeptical experience of investors, and general cooling of our market, we are looking optimistically of a range of $6 to $15 for similar strike. However we need more then Noront's find to make a mine, even with a JV with NOT. Also a combination of a favorable Magpie 43-101 with a Major places FNC at anywhere from $6.50 to $65 (various ranges people have calculated). A combination of all the best scenarios in both Magpie and ROF places us with good promotion and advertising with $20 to $100 dividind or stock range (this is the lotto), but night time makes one dream foolishly doesn't it.

Fun experience: Had meeting in NY. Table next to me where a table of Chinese business men were speaking Manderin. One was dictating to another who was texting. Most of it was in Chinese except the names of two companies: Noront & Freewest. I was hoping they'd mention FNC, but I didn't catch it. Think of the coincidence! No one knows about us microcap companies and here in a US city I heard Chinese businessmen mention us. I heard Chinese were ramping investing in infrastructure -perhaps related. Have Chinese companies been flirting with ROF players? Are there any Chinese Majors who would deal directly with ROF players. What are their names?

This is what needs to happen. We need a strike and we need to make investors out there, during lunch, randomly on the streets, see us as an opportunity, in this depressed market -which is the time to be bullish. Perhaps Magpie will make it this happen for us -once the numbers make .40 seem way too low.

One other question I'd like to ask P.Smith. I have doubts regarding Magpie. Why was it available if it was so valuable and easily accessed. Perhaps there's something the previous owners know that we don't. Can it be simply coincidence that the rights to it were just forgotten about and Smith snagged it?

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