Explor Resources

Company is exploring for gold and base metals in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Abitibi has produced more than 180 M ounces of gold and more than 450 Mt of Cu-Zn ore to date. Flagship Property hosts NI 43-101 Resource - 609,000 oz Indicated / 470,000 Inferred
over 7 years ago


All shareholders should have received AGM (Annual General Meeting) documentation by now, either directly from the Company, or by way of your broker. If you haven’t, and want to register your vote, contact your broker, or email the Company directly through the website. The actual meeting will take place 10AM January 17th, but I encourage all to vote by Friday, the 13th, to ensure your vote is included in this process. Voting is really simple. The Cover Page of the AGM package is entitled ‘Voting Instruction Form’. Halfway down the page is your personal ‘Control Number’. Go to ProxyVote.com & enter the number. That’s pretty much it.


Many of us were quite convinced that some ‘unfriendly’ forces were buying large blocks of stock, especially as we traded about 120million shares Jan 9, 2016- Jan 9, 2017, over all the trading systems for EXS/EXSFF/E1H1. So, for those of us that want to maintain continuity, its imperative we vote our stock. Regardless of the size of your position, every share counts!


Some of the factors influencing GOLD, that I’ve touched on over my past couple of postings, have been playing out, moving GOLD forward by $50/oz in the last week and a half, currently in the USD$1,182 neighbourhood. Because its my nature, I always hope upward movement will continue, given our stock price is a function of the GOLD Fix. In my opinion, I don’t see much drama in the markets until Trump officially takes office January 20th. Even then, it will take months, if not years, to even initiate some of the bold initiatives he promised moving forward. Any flip flops, or change in direction will have meaningful reactions in the markets, and if perceived to have a negative effect on the USD, GOLD will move up rapidly. Also, in my opinion, for the US economy to improve (i.e. more jobs, more profit), the USD needs to be devalued, to enhance their weak export market.


The current landscape for GOLD & precious metals exploration is tough, but hardly seems to affect Chris Dupont at all. The last I heard, he was evaluating some additional results from the Chester drilling, gradually trickling in from the assayer’s office. The lab results for the trace metals should be arriving in the next two to three weeks as well. We may see two or three News Releases before the dust settles on that. Secondly, the Down Hole IP report for the Kidd drill hole re-entry wedging and inclination remains in limbo, awaiting some final approvals prior to release to CD. Final budget approvals are underway at Teck, so our discussions with them appear imminent. That would be great if they decide on a major drilling program at the TPW. Other than that, geophysics are continuing on various Company properties…


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