Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation

Targeting 1 million oz in mining/exploration-friendly Quebec High-grade & bulk tonnage Gold @ Windfall Property, Val d´Or: The ´Lost Treasure´ of Noront !


The series of results released by Eagle Hill since they took over the Windfall Lake project shows that the Company is:

(1) laying the foundation for building a substantial resource in the property;

(2) has been successful in developing a strong understanding of the geology of the property;

(3) taking the time to understand the project before rushing to explore at the first available target;

(4) using the vast amounts of data amassed on the property from exploration work by Eagle Hill and previous operators to invest in building a sound geological model for the project, and,

(5) using the geological model to identify the multiple mineralized zones on the property.

This strategy of building a foundation of knowledge and then leveraging the knowledge to confirm the mineralization and resource with drill bit makes Eagle Hill well positioned to expand the drill program and build resource ounces on the property rapidly. The drill results released so far is further helping to validate the geological model developed by Eagle Hill.

Eagle Hill’s Windfall Lake project is located in Quebec’s prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The Windfall Lake Property is comprised of over 36 contiguous claims (over 12,000 hectares) and is situated along a 300-kilometre regional fault zone that has produced over 100 million ounces of gold in the past 100 years.

Eagle Hill has made considerable progress on this highly prospective property from the time that it consolidated ownership. Since acquiring the property, Eagle Hill has been successfully pursuing a deliberate strategy to improve the understanding of the geology by developing the first 3D Gemcom model based on additional essaying of the core from earlier drill programs and the new 2010 drill results. This has lead the company to identify 6 distinct mineralized gold zones with a 600x600 meter area with most gold zones open in several directions. The Mink Zone is the seventh gold zone that was identified and announced in the January 2011 press release. The Mallard zone identified on Feb 10 2011 will make this the eight zone identified in the property so far.

The company has 6800 metre drill results still left to release in the current program that will yield steady news flow in the near term. Along with the drill program the company is also planning to do extensive trenching program to determine if identified gold zones extend to surface and update the 3D model of the property.

Eagle Hill has made considerable progress building on the $20 million worth of exploration work already done on the Windfall Lake property. The Windfall Lake property also has some pre-existing infrastructure which would be beneficial once the company moves through the project to a resource estimate and beyond. The property has a 1450 metre long underground ramp big enough to drive trucks through, surface samples, geophysics and an extensive infrastructure on site. A 58-person camp in addition to a core splitting shack at the property, have also been acquired by Eagle Hill.

Given the consistent evidence of mineralization seen and the identification of multiple mineralized zones at the property, leads us to believe that the company is well positioned to build a substantial resource base on the project. While there is no timeline provided by the company, our assessment suggests that these results released so far and the remaining 6800 metre drill program will give the company enough results to put out a substantial resource estimate in the near term. The presence of multiple zones also makes it likely that beyond an initial resource estimate (whenever the company releases it) there would be substantial opportunity to add ounces to the property through follow on drill programs.


Ubika Research has received compensation from Eagle Hill to provide analyst research coverage

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Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation
32,138,209(FD) JAN 2015
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