Duran Ventures Inc.

<font color="#666666">Precious Metal Exploration</font> <b><font color="#000000"><font size="3">Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru</font></color></b>
Here is an update on Macmillan sent out today. I like the last line that states the company has been busy and will be having news releases updating shareholders when they are listed.

Dear Interested Party
We are pleased to report that we expect to become a reporting issuer by the end of next week.
Once our non offering prospectus has been cleared by the OSC, you will see a final version go up on www.sedar.com under MacMillan Minerals Inc.
It has been a long and arduous process and we wish to thank you for your patience.
We are preparing an application to obtain a listing on the Canadian National Stock Exchange (CNSX) by the end of August 2010.
The CNSX listing process is within 20 business days of application.
We intend to list at a future date on the TSX-V but they have advised us in writing the current listing estimate is 10 to 14 weeks.
We feel that this is too long a period to add on to the already too long a wait our shareholders have endured.
The Company has been busy and looks forward to being able to issue news releases again soon.
George A. Brown
President & CEO
MacMillan Minerals Inc.

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