Duran Ventures Inc.

<font color="#666666">Precious Metal Exploration</font> <b><font color="#000000"><font size="3">Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru</font></color></b>



Duran Ventures’ option on Double Jack Mine’s Ichuña Property Shows Promising Copper and Silver Potential near Major Discovery in Peru

TORONTO, CANADA – April 14, 2010 – Duran Ventures Inc. (TSX-V: DRV) is pleased to provide an update on exploration activities at the properties under option from Double Jack Mines Ltd. Duran entered into an agreement with Double Jack on July 2

nd, 2009, whereby Duran has the right to acquire 100% of the shares of Hatum Minas SAC (“Hatum”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Double Jack. Hatum owns a 100% interest without third party royalties in several concessions consisting of four project areas in Peru totaling 5,437.88 hectares. Duran has agreed to complete exploration expenditures of US$100,000 on Double Jack`s properties by May 31, 2010. The property package includes the Panteria Porphyry Copper, the Ichuña Copper-Silver, and the Santa Rita/Coricancha and Don Pancho Silver-Lead-Zinc Polymetallic Projects. Please refer to the attached project location map.

The Ichuña Copper-Silver Project is located less than 3 kilometres to the northwest of a major new discovery in Peru called the Chucapaca Property. The Chucapaca Property discovery was recently announced by Gold Fields of South Africa (“Gold Fields”) and Compañia de Minas Buenaventura (“Buenaventura”) of Peru in their respective 2009 fourth quarter results. The Chucapaca gold-copper project is operated by Gold Fields who recently exercised a back in right with Buenaventura to earn a 51% interest in the project. Gold Fields and Buenaventura are advancing the project with an aggressive drill and development program. Drill results from the project returned as high as 8.55 g/t Au over 127 meters. The Ichuña Project covers 1,000 hectares and is located 120 kilometres northeast of Arequipa in the Department of Moquegua in Southern Peru. A past producer of lead-zinc-copper-silver from Spanish colonial times known as Mina Sayhuani, Duran geologists made an initial visit to Ichuña in early February 2010. Reconnaissance geological mapping was done and 25 chip and panel samples were collected. The rock chip samples varied in length from 1.0 to 2.0 metres, and the panel samples varied in size between 0.5 x 1.0 metres to 3.0 x 5.0 metres. The property is underlain by Cretaceous sedimentary rock of the Puno Group and Tacaza Volcanics, which host at least two separate dioritic intrusive bodies, and are cut by a strong north-south trending fault system with conjugate fracture sets. There are abundant secondary copper minerals on surface, including malachite, azurite, and chalcocite. Duran samples ranged from weakly anomalous to as high as 10.2% copper, 259 grams silver per tonne, and 6.1% lead, and 1.2% zinc.

The majority of Duran’s work to date has focused on Hatum’s Panteria Porphyry Copper Project, located in the Department of Huancavelica in south-central Peru. Hatum’s initial sampling program at Panteria confirmed widespread anomalous copper, gold, and silver over an 800 by 250 metre zone, with local quartz-sulfide stockworks and veining in porphyritic intrusive and volcanic host rocks.

Duran’s exploration program on Panteria began in 2009 with the compilation of previously existing data, conducting an initial site visit, and working with Horizons South America S.A.C. to produce digital orthophotos for this area. These are essentially corrected air photos produced using laser sensor and digital equipment, and can be produced with elevation contours. Duran has advanced with surficial geological mapping of over 200 hectares, and has collected over 200 chip, channel, and panel samples. Duran geologists have identified extensive zones with stockwork quartz veinlets and oxidized pyrite, which are part of a large phyllic alteration system that grades outwards to zones ofargillic and propylitic alteration. The alteration system appears to be controlled by a northeasttrending structural zone. The Company is evaluating the possibility of a preliminary geophysical survey over the main showing areas to help identify subsurface targets.

The Don Pancho Silver-Lead-Zinc Project (600 hectares) is located in the Department of Lima. This project is approximately 10 kilometres to the west of Trevali Resources’ Santander Mine, which has updated a resource estimate (April 2009) of 5.3 MT of 3.34% Zn, 1.27% Pb, and 38 g Ag/T (indicated category) and 2.24 MT of 2.92% Zn, 0.5% Pb, and 18 g Ag/T (inferred category). The Don Pancho has similar geology to the Santander Deposit, with carbonate-replacement style Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization.

The Don Pancho alteration system covers a northwest-trending area of over 300 x 800 metres, with large galena and sphalerite bearing breccias, veinlets, and stockwork zones visible on surface. Hatum Minas conducted several sampling campaigns on the property, including the collection of 41 surface grab and chip samples, and a total of 28 underground chip and channel samples. Surface samples have returned up to 238 grams silver per tonne, 9.49% lead, and 4.15% zinc. Underground sampling returned up to 838 grams silver per tonne, 11.6% lead, and 7.92% zinc. Duran has made an initial property visit to Don Pancho and is very encouraged by the zone’s potential.

Don Pancho was until recently optioned to Jantar Resources Limited (“Jantar”), as noted in Duran’s news release of July 2, 2009. As Jantar did not meet the investment requirements as per the option agreement, the project was returned to Hatum and has subsequently been included as one of the project areas in Duran’s option agreement.

Finally, the Santa Rita and Coricancha South (also known as Matucana) Properties (1,737.88 hectares) are located 75 kilometres from Lima in the San Mateo District in Central Peru, in an area of active and past producing silver-lead-zinc mines. The Coricancha South Property is located immediately south-southwest of Gold Hawk Resources’s Coricancha Mine. Hatum’s mine dump and rock chip sampling returned ten out of twenty-eight samples with greater than 100 grams silver per tonne, with the highest value of 1,280 grams silver per tonne. Ten samples returned over 1% lead, and seven samples with over 1% zinc. Gold, copper, and molybdenum values are strongly anomalous, with up to 2.2 grams gold per tonne, 8.8% copper, and 0.1% molybdenum.

Duran Ventures is very pleased with the exploration potential these properties provide. The proximity of Ichuña and Don Pancho to actively advancing important projects serves to highlight the significance of these properties. The Company looks forward to advancing these projects during 2010.

All samples collected by the Company are prepared and analyzed at ALS Chemex in Lima, Peru (a certified laboratory). Samples were assayed using a multi-acid digestion and a multi-element ICP analysis. Silver, copper, lead, and zinc, are assayed with an AA (atomic absorption) procedure where over detection limits for ICP analyses. Analysis for gold is done using a fire assay method with AA finish. The Company maintains secure care and custody of reconnaissance samples.

Duran Ventures is a Canadian exploration company focused on the exploration and development of porphyry copper, precious metal, and polymetallic deposits in Peru. Cary Pothorin, P. Geo., President of Duran, is a Qualified Person as defined in National Policy 43-101, and is responsible for all technical information contained in this news release.

Duran Ventures Inc. is a Canadian resource company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange: Symbol “DRV”

For additional information, contact: Tel: (416) 867-1591 Fax: (416) 366-8131

Website: www.duranventuresinc.com Email:

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