Duran Ventures Inc.

<font color="#666666">Precious Metal Exploration</font> <b><font color="#000000"><font size="3">Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru</font></color></b>

After shaking all the bad apples off the tree, it looks bare at the moment, but it makes more room for other branches to sprout new growth thus creating more apples next season.

DRV is having a hard time, but perhaps all this selling off from the bad apples is a good thing. SP can only go up from here. When I first bought in to DRV way back when, I had to pay a hefty price, I never thought I would get the opportunity to buy at the bottom. I'm actually buying as much as I can to lower my average. It's an opportunity to make things right.

Listen people, as Long as DRV is alive so is Aguila and that's all I need to know. What's a yr or two more to wait when so much is at stake here, The potential is too great to pass up.

Management will hibernate and restructure, but they will come out of hybernation with a mighty punch. They will raise the cash, JV, whatever it takes, remember GB has over 3.5 million shares, that's more than enough reason to believe his not just going to throw in the towle. He will find a way....

No sense in being negative anymore, we lick our wombs and just continue to wait. Something good will come out of all this just you wait and see. What's the worst that can happen? We are in the Worse right now. I've lost 90% or more already, 10% more (whatever). This captain will sink with the ship or will sail off into the sunset with a boat load of cash.

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