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I don't know if trial participants have to sign any non-disclosure docs, but I have started to look for things like this. I think Facebook might also be a good place to do research. I suspect there are more. You can look up the Docs at each lead site where the ALD-401 trials are conducted..........

"For many victims of stroke, surviving it is just the beginning, with many left fighting to regain complete motor function for the rest of their lives. Now, doctors are looking at a way to reverse stroke effects after it happens.

Valisa Blanton knows a thing or two about beauty. She says, "I love doing hair. I absolutely love it." The single mom has been a hairdresser for 20 years, but that all changed last spring. "I couldn't talk. It was like 'Ra ra ra...oh my god, what's happening to me? I'm having a stroke.'"

Valisa lost some motor function in the right side of her body. Two million brain cells die every minute during a stroke. Doctors use clot-busting drugs to help prevent that from happening. However, neurosurgeon, Dr. George Rappard, says, after that, there's only a 15 to 20 percent chance of improvement.

Dr. Rappard says, "We've been very limited in fixing a stroke once it's happened. All we have is physical therapy." Now, a first-of-its-kind trial is testing the use of a stroke patient's own stem cells to restore function.

"They are a population of cells you retain in your body that have the ability to turn into other things." Doctors think the stem cells might act as instructive cells, telling the brain how to heal. "We take the stem cells that your body normally uses to make red blood cells and separate those stem cells out of the bone marrow."

Doctors then inject them into the affected side of the brain through the groin. In mice, there was a 40% improvement in motor skills. "I think that's one of the most potentially exciting things in my field ever."

Valisa says, "I feel like my brain is like 'Wow!'" Valisa is part of the double blind human study. While she doesn't know if she received the stem cells or not, it has given her hope toward a full recovery.

The phase one trial involved 10 patients. Doctors hope to enroll at least 100 for phase two. Only patients with ischemic strokes will be eligible to participate in the clinical trial."

I looked up Dr Rappard, and he is indeed running the ALD-401 study in LA......

The Los Angeles Brain and Spine Institute, directed by George Rappard, is the first to study brain stem cell infusion as a stroke treatment. The trial will be conducted using using Aldagen Inc’s ALD-401, a unique stem cell population derived from patient’s own bone marrow. Approximately ten sites will participate in this trial. It will be the first U.S. clinical trial in stroke patients to study the use of autologous stem cells that are infused into the brain as a regenerative therapy given two weeks after the stroke.

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