Crystallex International

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From lip
Monday, February 11, 2013

"Instead of helping to organize the indigenous miners to become legal owners of companies with environmental protection standards, the only thing that happens is the brutal repression and oppression of nations. In the middle, there, as always, corruption and rattling, "writes Damian Prat in Public & Confidential .


Indigenous resistance
against the government of false indigenismo

For the second time in little over a year an indigenous rebellion against what they denounce as "abuses of military" becomes an episode that astonishes the country. This time there were 43 uniformed unarmed and held by members of a community in the Pemon the Gran Sabana. They say they have had to resort to the extreme form of protest to get the attention of the country and force the government to seek dialogue, because otherwise, this government and this supposed "revolution" that does a lot of bla bla indigenismo, not listens and wants even worse, make them "servants" of the state, passive and dependent on the government, subject to their giving. Is "social control" touchstone of these dictatorships and neo-dinosáurico fidelista model. Pemones For them, more than for any other social group Venezuelan, is the hardest thing to swallow because for generations they have become accustomed to a very independent life but full of hardship.

The origin of all conflict is the decree of "nationalization" (well, in quotes) of gold, another big farce always false revolution. Because in reality, no such nationalization, as always, gold is reserved ownership of the nation can only grant concessions for exploitation. The trick unworthy of Chavez's nationalization qualify what is just a disguise for social control. Liquidate small mining companies and artisanal miners to them as employees of the state and survival in misery.

The excuse is to defeat the illegal mining and preserving the environment. Two just and noble causes used by them as a mask for what interests them concentrate more power in the "state-government-obese-rich" and the chaviburguesía that has privatized the state for use and enjoyment. Although fill the mouth of "Indianism", the reality is that instead of helping to organize the indigenous miners to become legal owners of companies with environmental protection standards, the only thing that happens is the brutal repression and oppression of nations. In the middle, there, as always, corruption and rattling. That causes rebellion.

A modern and progressive politics (not a fake retrograde state socialism) would make a real map and land use plan as it partially moved about 20 years ago, the once great CVG, with CVG Tecmin, Environment and Interior Min ( one whose slogan was "working and fighting"). Organize the miners but not for submission and making them dependent, but to give a perspective of social progress independently. Establish, by agreement, clear standards of environmental protection (there are several very interesting experiences) and social. Fidelismo, the "wild statism", militarism and corruption do not understand that language. Theirs is the "I feel like, I order and the rest obey", "I am the country but in real life hands the mineral wealth to China in neocolonial subjection." "I must control everything", "just my little group of red oligarchy must be enriched."

An important effect of this new episode of protest and rebellion is indigenous showing him the rest of Venezuela and the world that the "Indianism" Chavez government is just verbiage to varnish their authoritarian and hegemonic pretension. The background was as always: a sham. Never are consistent with the speech. Always do the opposite of that of which they boast. They are like those yahoos trying to woo a girl with beautiful poems and lit (otherwise plagiarized) and have fun while "many fronts". Those pictures and stories must have made ​​an impact beyond our borders. The "revolution" was naked. As has happened in so many things, like antiobrerismo government manifesto. Or the devaluation of "# paquetazoRojo" in a country that sells oil to $ 106 a barrel.

TIP 1: International News: "Head of Government of Spain is obliged to file statements of assets and respond to allegations of corruption in party environment." I do not know if Mr. Rajoy-distance that I like very bad-will be involved or not, but what I do know is that there have to convincing explanation to the country, while in Venezuela, with substantiated allegations and evidence in Instead of the president is obliged to justify and explain the following things have occurred: 1. - The government and its pundits would have a hysterical campaign by the government media latifundia from PSUV-VTV, about the complaints and investigation requirement is a "destabilization plan coup empire wants to invade us." 2. - Attorney and absolve him without investigating TSJ "because there is nothing to investigate because they are perils." 3. - The AN, psuvista majority, would preclude any discussion or research and would say "is a media campaign with terrorist intentions of the extreme right." 4. - Conatel would have opened a new administrative record Globovision. 5. - Other "Public & Confidential radio" would have been closed. Sorry, closed and censored not only "pulled from the schedule."

TIP 2: Read on twitter: "@ vsalmeron: Famous phrases. Ernesto Villegas (this past November 11): "Were it not that we were discussing Chavez won paquetazo" Hehehe. Language is the punishment of the body. / / / Another one: Alonso Moleiro @ amoleiro: To speak of the cap is chained. Not to devalue the currency. / / And another: "@ cadener0 Okay, now called BFD, ie devalued bolivar, bolivar Strong Weak or, perhaps, Bolivar Fuerte Slumped?". This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

@ Damianprat (on twitter)

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