Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to jimmijazz's message

The only difference for me is that one side is saying they want the award and FU shareholders and the other side is saying they want things to stay the same so they continue to reap their salaries and options. At least Kry management isn't eliminating us.

Not convinced of CRYXF motives concerning shareholders. Throwing around a 49% equity interest sounds like dilution. Not so sure many would consider that as shareholder friendly.

The company keeps tossing around a 49% give-away for funding. Why? CCAA protected company for one. This is a high-risk, unknown-reward, highly-speculative, play with an unknown timeline. Once they are out of CCAA or pay off the noteholders, an ICSID award might be considered as certain but the amount is unknown, and the collection timeline will likely become an issue. "Smart" money generally looks for certainty and understands that any investment includes a time element. Because of this, the company knows that "Smart" money requires the 49% incentive - to disregard the numerous uncertainties, get greedy, and lay their money down. A few years from now, they may be the "evil" noteholders.

Until some of the mentioned uncertainties are made certain or solidified, these are extremely dangerous times for stockholders. Sell? Pretty much too late for that for many. Buy? Throwing good money after bad is hope and greed. Seems it needs to go somewhat lower for this unknown risk-reward. There are many other plays out there with more certainty and a very good possible return with a more defined timeline. Plenty of time to see what plays out here and come back should things become certain.

It will be interesting to see how this all transpires. At the very least, it will be educational.

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Crystallex International
365M O/S, 417.5M FD
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