Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."

Teutracker is on vacation in Florida, I am trying to get some work done around the yard before the rain starts back up. Talked to BossKent yesterday, but he doesn't post much any more. I would guess that everyone else is living their lives like normal people and not obsessing here over what will happen next with the dearth of information that we actually have at this moment, not unlike many other times in this stock.

If you don't own any stock, like we all do, stop trying to be the spokesman for the unhappy Crystallex shareholders, which I would guess right now includes about all of us. Now go pretend that it's Christmas and get a real life like the rest of us apparently have.

I thought the Fung's Affidavit pretty well summed up the events. Obviously, the brokers quit talking when the deal fell through due to the last minute need by the big hedge for a court order. Well, this appears to be Bob's solution for that -- DIP status while he gets financing arranged should satisfy any potential PP buyer for legal protection from later suit.

I was pleased that it was not an issue where everyone wanted more and more and more to do the deal.

I did find it a bit ironic that Bob made the fact the he and the board have very few shares a positive for his position; we all would like to say the same today.

Being an optimist, IMO there is a pretty good chance that this will hold off the note holders for long enough to secure the PP, which seemed quite close except for the legal issue raised.

We'll find out soon enough, and idle speculation by totally uninformed posters won't change that. Perhaps after the holidays some who were trying to buy the PP will get an update on whether it could still happen. Until then, I will exercise patience and get my taxes started for 2011.

Merry Christmas/ an almost belated Happy Hanukkah/ and Happy Kwanzaa to all.

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Crystallex International
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