Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to longkry06's message

Longkry06 I understand your skepticism and frustration. By your handle I'm guessing you got into KRY in 2006. I bought into KRY in 1999 so I've heard it all before, ad nauseum.

And as posted here earlier, efforts are important but only results count. As they say, coming close only works with horseshoes and hand grenades.

KRY is hanging by a thread so maybe this time the positive predictions will come true. Maybe this time KRY will actually meet a friggin deadline and get the financing. As I stated before the only thing Fung has been good at is raising money, with the common shareholder getting an atomic wedgie in the process.

So the good news might be that KRY gets the new money and avoids bankruptcy. The bad news might be that KRY gets the money and this zombie still walks.....eating at my brain for more years to come.

Of course I could always sell, at a loss. But since I don't need to cash out, I won't. I'm in at a $1 a share for 300k shares. I've "lost" 90% of my investment because I was (am) stupid and greedy. Losing the other 10% won't damage me will only make me madder at myself and KRY and Chavez......... in that order.

Personally I'd like to get my $300k back. Several years ago I spent $500k trying to save my friend's life. I failed. Getting back at least $300k of that $500k would take some of the sting I still feel for that failure.

I knew saving his life was a long shot but I was told by experts my efforts would make the difference. It didn't. He was killed anyway. That nightmare taught me that even if I had paid a million dollars he would have been killed anyway.

The experts and those, "in the know" who confidently advised me to "make that investment" in my friend didn't know squat. So what was the outcome? I changed from being a natural optimist to being a realist leaning towards doubt. The soap opera of KRY has only hardened that feeling.

So here I sit. Like you. Waiting and skeptical of anything KRY officials say, or anything I hear about this lousy company.

Hopefully soon we'll find out if KRY survives into the next year. If it can, and if Chavez dies or leaves office, our prospects improve. That's what I'm waiting for.

Good luck to all.


PS. Yesterday my wife told me she's been invited to teach a one week course in Caracas. I said, "You're kidding right?" I said, "Not one more penny of our money is going into that crap country as long as I'm alive."

PPS. Why does all this KRY BS seem to fall around Christmas? Weird!

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