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Home News Education sentenced to 7 years in prison Rubén González
Sentenced to 7 years in prison Rubén González
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 1:16 Mayerling Velásquez / Photos: Clench Cuéllar 0 Comments
Puerto Ordaz .- The sadness seized outside the Palace of Justice in Puerto Ordaz, became known after the decision of Judge Hidalgo Magda, who after a long day sentenced to 7 years and six months in jail union leader Sintraferrominera Ruben Gonzalez.

After 28 hearings over 5 months, the trial finally came to an end, but family, friends and workers of various basic industries in the area gathered outside the court, awaiting a satisfactory outcome, the reality was another.

"Unjust decision"

Italo Atencio defender Ruben Gonzalez said in his opinion there was a silence of evidence by the judge, even though the defense presented 70 witnesses who testified in favor of the leader, against only 10 who testified against.

"Of those 70 witnesses were only worth 5 to produce a conviction against Ruben Gonzalez 7 years and 6 months in prison, we view with concern as it evaluated the testimonial evidence (...) Ruben Gonzalez is innocent because it was the workers who for five months in the courtroom said that the only responsible for the strike was them and this was due to a labor liabilities amounted to Bs 300 million, which was ratified by the president of Ferrominera Orinoco when questioned by defense "he said.

The defense attorney said they expect regulatory day for publication the sentence to appeal this decision, which in his opinion, as well as everyone present was not correct.

Prints of these were not lacking in the area, relatives of Ruben Gonzalez between anger and sadness, screaming against the judge presiding over the case, as well as against the regional government officials who in their opinion are solely responsible for the condemnation of González.

The reactions of trade union leaders also made themselves felt. Benjamin Moreno, Sintraferrominera union leader said that everything is a political retaliation and in this sense he called on President Chávez to review what is happening in Bolivar.

"We have to our fellow prisoner simply to reclaim ore mining rights, and we see how Alcasa was a strike which lost $ 136 million, and no one was arrested, then there's just partying and drinking, I commend the Alcasa workers have achieved their goal, but I can not agree on is that committed these acts of injustice. Ruben Gonzalez is a political prisoner, a prisoner of the Venezuelan state, and therefore demand their freedom, there can be no good and Chavez Chavez bad, "Moreno said.

José "Acarigua" Rodríguez, director of Sidor work, commented that this reflects the fact that the position has the Government on the working class.

"We have seen releases of politicians in the country, and actions of leaders and government supporters in the case of José Gil, who made a mess in Alcasa and is rewarded with some agreements, and what they have done with our partner is an expression against the working class, that is why I call on all workers in the basic industries of Guyana to give a forceful response by the movement to respond to this decision macabre against Ruben Gonzalez, an unjust decision and threatens the freedom of association, freedom struggle and combat, there are no right to strike, to a halt, to protest, "said Sidor to time called on workers to move to repudiate the measure and made to feel the strength of the union movement in Guyana .

Threaten to take action

The union leadership core business Guayana whose faces reflected anger over the decision to take action said street to reject the measure, which they say, seeks to silence the country's trade union movement, and also due to political interests. Today new pronouncements are expected not only workers but also from businesses Guiana and political student who, during these long 17 months have demanded the release of Rubén González

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