Crystallex International

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19/12/10 El Diario de Guayana

Circumstantial victims of unemployment. Small-scale miners in the south of the state, most evicted seven months ago, have not been reinstated in areas of decent work. Die of asking the general ebb and Henry Rangel Silva, the Caura Plan, and the minister José Khan, Mibam, comply with the swing phase of artisanal Caura Plan that promised in April this year.

For more than seven months on the implementation of the Plan Caura, where they were evicted more than 20,000 miners, as confirmed by his own enforcer, General Henry Rangel Silva, the small mining of Guayana are clamoring for a solution to the serious problem of inactivity in which are sunk and that they have had enough of the miserable conditions they must endure with his family.
The leader of the sector, Nelly Sun Matute, asked purpose of drama they are living the small miners, "Mr General Rangel Silva, is that you wondered What happened to those thousands of families who were evicted? and not contented with that, his subordinates destroyed the tools with which these parents had their daily bread to their homes and what is your current status? We know that you received orders and gave orders, but do not justify their actions, because the Caura Plan had to be better planned with the first and second phase. You claimed a success, we asked concerned what would succeed Mr. General? because today the thousands of miners evicted you are destitute and that you will understand to not be called success. "


Very categorical in its approach, the leader of the small mining again sent an interrogation to General Rangel Silva Do you know how many children have not been able to go to school for lack of supplies or uniforms, much less the hallacas and Christmas toys ?, you tell me if you can call it success.
"We do not warrant the mining environmental impacts, smuggling of gold and diamonds and fuel, among others, are victims of unemployment circumstantial as are millions of Venezuelans, and because these crimes were given here fit several questions: Was it that the institutions did not comply with their duties or the interests that motivate and are profiting from the illegal have been beyond the State's institutions, he said.


Likewise noted that the small mining of Guayana, "we have more than two years trying every way to legalize our mining activity, but the institutions involved are responsible for delaying action, and this happens, some officials are incompetent and Time a broken bat, good for nothing, just 15 are pending and final and "as is pa that." We recognize the good intentions and managing some of them, he added, but unfortunately the honest and intellectuals are in positions of lesser importance and can not do more than what they have done, and we have no blame for those mistakes, but we the worst we therefore ask that these vices are eradicated for the good of the country. "


He referred it to the Minister of Mibam, José Salamat Khan, who urged "to take steps to comply missing the process of legalization of small-scale mining with the legal provision of plots, according to the provisions of the Mining Act in force. To that end up this way once the bureaucracy and corruption and eradicate the vices of the fourth and fifth on the part of some officials.
He noted that they have full conciencdia that the Minister Khan and other senior Cabinet officials do not like the small-scale mining, being messy and problematic, "but the truth is that it has been and is the only escape from subsistence to a global social problem and worldwide there are over 20 million people engaged in that activity and in our country there are only about 30 000. "


"Mr. Minister, you must solve this problem very well known, because that appointed him President of the Republic, to solve, he claimed. He reiterated that only for answers even if some of the many problems facing the small-scale mining sector, not to go to join the list of the incompetent. He reminded the Minister Jose Khan, who takes two steps and has not done anything, so we in vito to "grasp the example of Rodolfo Sanz, who with all the defects that could have, stopped Operation Tepuy" to give loans without many complications and rescue our hands of transnational companies and revert to the state.


Small miners told to keep their reservations with regard to the considerable resources devoted to the rescue and recovery of the sector and therefore also asked, "Where are the $ 50 million China Fund, but the 800 000 strong bolivar intended to solve the small-scale mining sector vacated by the Caura Plan? The small mining sector have not approved or a bolivar. Therefore, mining alert because we know the direction of them and they will not tell us that spent in the mining problem that even with the change of vocation credits fulfilled, said the spokeswoman.
Nelly likewise stressed that the Little Mature Sun Mining has repeatedly demonstrated its capacity and greater balance in the equitable distribution of mineral resources to the individual capitalist greed.


Nelly Sun Matute left to see that "we have recommended to the Minister Jose Khan the application of a mining policy on the advice of people with extensive knowledge in the field such as Drs Dario Milano Sergio Bermudez and professors of the UNEG.
He said that "we are asking you to give us the areas we're seeking and we will show you, with advice on environmental matters, mining and organizational by these and other professional experts, we will achieve compliance with operation and recovery plans approved and so increase our quality of life. "
"Surely you are wondering why the small miners have protested in recent days a year, can be little speculation, to think that we forgot the problem or that we are getting used to hunger and misery, no! We hope that the remainder of the year or beginning of 2011 we will have the legal adjudication of the areas requested. Otherwise, the greater the despair and anguish in the mining town that could lead to unpredictable situations, warned the official. NM

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